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From: bjfish11 - enclosure material question

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that was a hell of a lot of time and effort to completely avoid all the issues and simply tear apart arbitrary points.

As I addressed your comments directly and on-point, quoting your assertions as a reference, this claim is ridiculous and clearly dishonest. Mind you, I'm not uploading proof by assertion. The post in question is located right above.

At least it's me doing it purely for the sake of a confrontation.

I'm happy to see at least a single grain of intellectual truth.

I mean if you weren't simply trying to be confrontational you would have read the paragraphs which should be easy to understand and reply.

If you say so, but we all know what your claims are worth.

Not choose my goof off reply and post a retaliation that is nothing more than you trying to move focus away from the matter hand.

I have no idea what you're talking about, though, an "I know you are, but what am I" is hardly something to be proud of.

lets see, you reply to my arbitrary posts but ignore the one that you can't defend further because it's so poorly worded? and yet you have no idea what i'm talking about....

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