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about to order 18" btl qustion about ohm's

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Hi, I'm about to order an 18" btl I just got done going through the options i'm bit confused as to what ohm to get I want to run it at 1ohm the amp ill be using is a HCCA-D5000 monoblock my qustion is should I get a duel 2ohm and run it in parallel or what? how would I wire the sub if it was duel 1ohm, split the pos and neg in the box and hook up all the turmanals?

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If you want the final load to be 1 ohm, get a D2 and run it in parallel.

EDIT: You wire the terminals in the box, (which is what most people do) or you can hook up two sets of terminal cups and do your configuration outside the box.

Edited by abxx

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