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showin off again

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its 4am.. i just got back from a lulac cook off here in san marcos,

at night everyone cooks, drinks, parties, and dances!

the lulac prez seen my car parked by our booth (southwest towing) and started asking about it

now this place is LOUD its all out door but there was a DJ set up and every one had music on loud at there booth just drinking having a good time, anyhow.

so he was telling me he wants to get young people involved in lulac, so imy boy larry was telling him about car audio, and how he dont know a young person that is not into car audio atleast a little, so were looking around my car.. and he said well turn it up.... and i tell the man nah that i did not want to disrespect everyone like that..... he inturn told me that he is the prez of lulac and NO ONE BUT HIM is to say what gues and does not..... so as it is a lulac cook off i do what im asked!.... so i turn it up

at first a few people come over... everyone is intrested .. i play maybe 2 mins.... and then i shut it off...

my boss walks over (he hates bass) and tells me to shut it off...... 15 people all from lulac tell him to shut up pretty much..... my boss being the man he is (if you cant beat them join them) goes and gets a tejano cd from his truck..... being as lulac is a hispanic group.. see link below....

as i put in the cd.. i worry a little.. as IM NOT TUNED for this kind of music..

i turn it up... make some changes to my settings, pop the truck just a little and it sounds GREAT.

sexy latinas start dancing alll over the place, my boss is all smiles,, the lulac members are talking its great....

just in the 5 mins of the first song everyone is dancing people are really having a good time... and everyone is saying how great it sounds.....

so i let it play.... 1 song.... 2 song... 3 song.. and the next thing i know im thinking shit i better check my amps ..... so i check my voltage AFTER 20 mins of playing HARD... my voltage 14.3... my amps cool as the beer in my hand! dustcaps cool!

my boy larry tells me people are loving this, by boss is telling people "thats muh boy"

by the 4th song.. the dj stop playing.... and everyone else has turned off there music..... its just my car playing hard!

keep inmind... the latinas are still dancin the BBQ is smokin and the beer is flowing... a good time had all...

1 hour 25 mins later... my amps still cool my voltage at 14.1 and people are flowing thru asking what i have!.

so i start rolling my volume down at this point slow so that its not to be noticed too much... it took me 2 songs to fade down... and what i shut it off.. people started AWWWING... AWWW AWWWWW WHYYYY. were talking 100's or people

the dj came over and thanked me for a break!!! i told him i was sorry that i took over... and he was nah nah man that shit sounds fucking good ill bring cds over here if you will play them!....

it was great..... these people range in age from 20-50 and they were all like :o

sundown for the fucking win.

so lulac wants to have audio comps to draw young people to the group as this must be passed on to younger members!

so im gonna buy a Term lab, and im gonna build a log.

sorry for the long post.

what is lulac? ~~~~~> http://www.lulac.org/about.html

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God damn I miss Texas, thats all I could think about the whole time I was reading that. Good luck man, I hope it can all wk out . I 'll be willing to help, I am not hispanic but my wife and stepson are, whenever I get back to TX

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im not hispanic either... but mexicans sure do love them some big jon... thats why i stay in the lone star state!

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as always bigjon when im out your way i'll give you a ring and let you see and hear the btl. even giving it the probable 1000 watts its insane.

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im ready to hear it!... i was gonna tell you well get some ling wire and run my 3000d on that btl and see what she does!

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could do that cause it'll be off stock battery and alt for a little while

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Good shit man.

Makes me miss my shit even more.


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Finally a respectable post about being loud in public. Nice work!

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Sounds like everybody had a good time. :fing34:

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