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This is a re-build of a false floor i did about 2 months ago. The first one was a rush job that i had to do in a Friday night and half a Saturday. It looked like this.


The whole reason he brought it back was to get a fiberglass trunk piece done.(it is at the paint shop now, but i will get pics when it is back on)

He decided to keep the same sub, but i talked him in to an amp upgrade.

Now installed is a PDX 4.150, and a PDX 1.600.










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here is a pic that the paint guy sent me. that pice will be installed on the underside of the trunk lid. So when you open the trunk that is what you see.


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Sweet! Any reason you went with Kicker and Alpine?

the customer had the sub from the previous intsall. he did not want to change it.

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why did he want to change from a memphis amp to alpines? lol

Edited by RobClay

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why did he want to change from a memphis amp to alpines? lol

that Memphis amp was just enough for the sub (if that). and took up to much room. I showed him my pdx4.150 and he really liked how compact it was.

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ahh i see

yep. He will be back though, because he wants to put a Wii in the back somewhere. So maybe by that time i will have talked him into a better sub.

keep the comments (positve or negative) coming. Its not done yet, so there is still things i can change.

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Eh I had one of those subs for a lil while. Borrowed it.

Seemed very very cheap to me... quality just wasn't there.

An upgraded sub w/ that setup would be very nice!

For looks ONLY (if it'd even fit) a RF T1 would fit the color scheme.

Nice work man!

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What Shelby is it?

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Got the trunk lid back from the paint shop today. And they fucked up up my edge around the top of the fiberglass piece. It had no gap before, but now it has a gap around the whole top of the piece. As well as making The top most point of the piece crooked, near the trunk latch. So the painter has the whole thing again to re do the edge and re spray the piece.

hopefully it will turn out better than this.








Edited by JBLCAMRY

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