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box for 4 btls with 24kw daily

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hello guys,

im not writing much on this forum but i will introduce a lil bit,

im dbwesz from holland.

and do music competitions in holland.

im runnning now 4 Rockford t30001bd's on 2 re audio mt 18's in a 400 liter enclosure (dont know how much that is in cu ft SORRY) tuned on 28hz port frequentie.

im doing on a TL 157,4 db peaks on 42 hz ( car freq ) on music song ( lil john what u gonna do ).

i have a couple off vids standing online on youtube ( also vids of olderbuild i had like 3 SX 18's etc) and coulple of car alarm and house tricks.


i want to make something new now.

in europe we are not realy like in amerika.

our boxes are most of the time tuned higher for music like 44 hz +-

i want to make something now thats go low low LOW and loud !!!


4 Fi audio BTL's 18'' fully loaded

8 Rockford t30001bd's

can somebodey help me with calculating a good box tuned as low as possible but that can also handle ( 24.000watts MAX) <--- not daily offcourse but can be sometime in competition. daily it will get arround the 20 -> 22 kw

please can some people calc, a box..... like CU FT spec en PORT SPECS

owjeah also imp. to know.



Edited by dbwesz

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welcome to ssa

and good luck, be sure to do a build log when you get one setup

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That's alot of power for those sub daily.

Honestly anything more than 3000rms is greed to those subs.

I've played with one today, and 3000rms made it pretty happy. Now, it could have taken a little more, but not worth it for daily.

Now burping, 6k isn't nothing for it.

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thnx for the reply's but its going to be a clamshell.

i know 6kw is a lot, but i runned aswell 2 mt 18's daily on 10kw the voicecoil is after 6 months still like a new one, the power u can put on a sub is ofcourse depending on the parameters but depends ocourse a lot on the enclosure, so its going to be a clamshell form enclosure.

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we cant help you with the info you gave. what are your maximum dimensions in inches.. heightxwidthxlength.. i know for sure that youre gonna want a box that is about 25 cubes net. so 25 cubes after displacements, anywhere from 13-16 square inches of port per cubic foot. tuned to 30hz. plenty of bracing. and let me guess, youve seen galamonkey on youtube.

and to ford redneck i owned an old btl and new. i had it off of a sundown 3ksaz, full tilt with electricals to back it up on bassy songs for 20 minutes at a time. im sure it can take at least 5k worth , maybe not 5k pure watts straight, but musically itll barely see close to that wattage anyways.

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I'd say 20 cubes for that sorta power, going more's just gonna make it more likely to go POP

Have a fair amount of bracing and fibreglass the internals to keep the box nice and ridgid :)

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If you are trying to build a box to handle the maximum (mechanical) amount of power then that is easy, 1ft3 sealed for each driver. They will handle 10,000 watts.

If you want to design a box to be the loudest, then you design the most efficent box you can make in your targeted bandwidth (sounds like 30-40Hz in your case) within your size limitations and apply all the power you can until you reach the mechanical limits of the drivers, and hopefully this is before you reach the thermal limits, at least on an intermittent basis.

It sounds like you already have enough power to take those drivers to thier mechical limits in just about any ported box, so this should be pretty easy.

The logic of the OP was backwards, the question should have been: "What is the most efficient enclosure for 4 BTL 18s that is within XxXxX dimensions, I plan on playing music with this, and will 24Kw be enough for it"?

Edited by 95Honda

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im doing on a TL 157,4 db peaks on 42 hz ( car freq ) on music song ( lil john what u gonna do ).

That is the song I used in bass race with my suburban. The suburban box was tuned to 34 Hz and that song was a killer.

Funny, I started with (2) MT 18's, went to (4) MT 15's, then did (4) BTL 15's, and the last setup was (4) AA Mayhem 15's.

It was (4) 15's in 12 ft^3 tuned to 34 Hz. 4000-4500 per driver and without the subsonic filter set correctly, I could have mechanically destroyed the subs. . .


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Are you one of Tims customers from NL?

Sure we can help, little more info on volume etc

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yes im one off tims customers from NL, i work already 2 years now with tim

i want to do 4th other (like the escalade of meade andd steve mick )

and i want to have my enclosure around 28hz

1 RFt3 a coil

getting load of batts.

and space i will have anough

Edited by dbwesz

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owjeah and i want to build it for bassrace so exualy ( CAUSE THERE IS STILL NO BASSRACE IN HOLLAND )

i can better ask aswell, whats the best for bassrace (i gonna do bassrace in GERMANY) what kind of enclosure will be the best there for and which tuning freq.??? will be the best there for?

ofcourse i prefer 4th oder enclosure BUT WHAT KIND WILL BE THE BEST FOR BASSRACE?


thnx for THE replys

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or will be cause i want to do bassrace, maybe 24 12ers better ???maybe 24 ssd's 12 or 24 aa audio chaos ??? or 4 fi btls 18 ?? cause if not better 4 18's i can try to sell them

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Do you have the 4x 18" BTLs?

You could try a 6th order BP, parallel tuned. They are thought to be peaky but with little time spent on getting the tuning right they can sound pretty good and give an extra few free dBs when it matters. Quasi (series) tuned sound a little nicer at the exspense of dBs

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thnx bildt, i was yesterday thinkin and exactly what you saying im going to do now, ( i wanted to do ) i think it will be the best option. thnx for the reply's

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well if you wanna do good in bassrace, first you'll need to shoot for a peak frequency and see if you can find any songs with a constant frequency that you peak.. even a simple ported wall would do some damage. i know you said 28hz but if competing then most likely youll be peaking in the mid to low 30s depending of course. and thats kinda low, hard to get good numbers when tuned that low. if its for show then 28-32hz will be good.

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probably i think about to go around 36hz maybe close 2 the 40, i think something between 36 - 40hz

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