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compnent set

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any recomondations for a ccomponent(2way) set/ amp combo for around $400. I was thinking sax100.2 but dont know what to do for component set.

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What size? What kind of sound are you looking for? Are you going passive or active?

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I'm most likely going to be running a sax100.2. and i'm going to go with passive. I'm looking for something to keep up with a BL 15 with 1500 w rms @ 32 hz. I was thinking 6.5" I listen to a variety of music and like to hear the lyrics. I want something with descent low end and preety good high end. I'm not lookng for SQ but do want it to sound good and blended

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With $400 as your budget you can get a really nice set of comps that will have great SQ and yet get loud.

I would have recommend the Oz Audio Matrix 180CS but sadly they have gone out of buisness. But you may be able to find them online somewhere.

just my .02

Good luck

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Nice! A friend of mine is running the Euros and they are some fine comps.

That's the Euro Frame series not familiar with those but still not a bad looking set of comps.

Edited by OldSkool_08

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I still have a soft spot for the Diamond Audio M6 and Hex, make sure you get the silk dome though, the aluminum is too bright. Also, i can't say that i have personally heard them, but i know MB quart just revamped their lineup and alot of them have inverted metal domes, kinda like the DLS, and i've heard they are really good now

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