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RE's new sub

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Thanks, for the inquiry. We will not be releasing much in the way of info about the sub until CES (Jan 6-9). After that we will have a new website with info about the new subs and any other changes to the lines. The 12" will be the first to ship in Feb, followed shortly by the 15" and 18". The new subs feature XBl motors and 45 mm of Xmax, higher power handling than the currrent XXX line, and lots of other new features including 2 patent pending parts.


"We are not allowed to sell products during CES. We can take orders, but

that is it. We will have the 12" subs ready to go in Jan with the 15"

shortly after that (18" a week or to after the 15")

For the 15" I would recommend 3.5 cuft tuned to 33 Hz for a loud SQ system.

2500W will work well and the sub will come standard as a dual 2 Ohm (works

best with most Class D amps)

Towards the end of the year we will be dropping more details and dates for

the susb release. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can

help with.


RE Sales"

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I had read about it a little bit ago but I dont know anything now that CES is over

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looks impressive, but aren't subs as a whole getting huge and ugly?

yeah the performance is improving, but they are making these things so big that eventually, if u don't have an suv, u're not going to be able to run more then one and that's if ur lucky.

besides, at this forum at least, re is just another good brand..not the god's the are at every other forum it seems.

i'm not knocking them(re), just all the kids who jump on bandwagons..

why am i rambling??

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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anyone notice the massive MTX beast?

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the jackhammer?

again....same withthe re....big ugly and proably loud as hell..

but unless u got an suv, what the hell u gonna put it in??

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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looks impressive, but aren't subs as a whole getting huge and ugly?

yeah the performance is improving, but they are making these things so big that eventually, if u don't have an suv, u're not going to be able to run more then one and that's if ur lucky.

besides, at this forum at least, re is just another good brand..not the god's the are at every other forum it seems.

i'm not knocking them(re), just all the kids who jump on bandwagons..

why am i rambling??

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:



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I feel sorry for the idiots (for lack of a better term) who are gonna buy these things not knowing what they are getting into. 3.5 cubes is not bad for a 15, but when you take into account that this is the NET vloume, add in the driver, wood, and port displacement, you NET 3,5 cube box just became a gross of 6 cubes. Too much space IMO. And the power! WTF???!!!! The idiots, or should I say ignorant; you know we all were there once, are going to buy these 2KW+ amps and try to run them on stock electrical systems, or better yet buy 3000000000000000000 farads of capacitance only to find out their super driver is now subpar.

I like RE myself, but I am beginning to dislike them for the simple reason of the "bandwagon." That's the only reason I don't run JL other than the monetary standpoint. It's all getting too out of hand if you ask me.

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that MTX will fit in my truck :woot:

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What in the bed of ur truck, hahahaha,

Well, i think i can get about 20cubes outa my lincoln tc's trunk.

So yes what r u gonna put it in, cuz i already know, lol.

And about the Re bandwagon yea, that is true, but i like them because it's good quality equipment for a reasonable price. although i think this thing is gonna be 500Bux.

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I feel sorry for the idiots (for lack of a better term) who are gonna buy these things not knowing what they are getting into.

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tire elaborated beautifully on what i originally brought up...6 cubes gross for one 15"...and the need for 2k+ in power...most kids just aren't going to prepare their vehicle right..

the bandwagon...lol.....yeah....the bandwagon.

that's what's so nice here....there is an si , powerbass, ss, and kicker forum...u wanna preach the virtue's..u can in their own forum..and ur not cluttering up the rest of the forum with "______ brand is god..rules all" but rather, u get...." all these brands are capable..depends on what ur after and how much room u have. and $$$"

i like it here :+1:

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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?? pleez tell me more about

"pointing out "that Scottie J's MT's launched alot of soft parts at WF's, and that worries me a bit"


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kent you sota of hit on why I went after SS and SI and PB, all three dont have a internet fan boy base, and all three have an awesome group of people working for them, they are all on the smaller side of sales compared to the larger companies and I like to help in anyway possible so that people can see that there is more than just JL and Kenwood out there and that the W7 is not the end all of subs, other companies can build just as good if not better for less without the hype

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So, you feel that companies should not produce big subwoofers because they are not useable in your vehicle. Thats basically what some of you have said. Lets put that into perspective. I can't fit a 350V8 in my 2001 Cougar, but I'm not going to tell Ford and Chevy to stop producing big blocks.

Now you start to discredit a company simply because of its bandwagon? Sure the bandwagon is annoying, but its no reason to discredit a company. SI, PB, and SS just haven't gotten launched into the internet mainstream quite yet. When they do, and when they get their bandwagon, will you start to dislike them? Now look at on a larger scale; RE, Treo, DD, and eD all have their bandwagons here on the net. Go out into the real world and you will be hard pressed to find many people who have heard of them. Our internet community is a small one and we can't help but have a multitude of people pushing a particular brand. Not to mention we are all educated (most of us anyway) and of course we will all be praising a select group of companies. RE, DD, Treo, SS, SI, and PB are all good companies regardless of their bandwagons around here. US Amps has a huge band wagon on the net, does that make their amps horrible?

Throwing soft parts at finals? I can see that, woofers go through some extreme torture. Go talk to Scottie personally though, he still loves RE. Did you see the number of treo subs laying on the floor at finals?? It happens, its going to happen.

On the subject of REs new superwoofer, I wouldn't group it with the Jackhammer. From all I can tell, the Jackhammer is marketing bullchit. 300 and something lbs? At least RE designs for somewhat practical use. According to them, this new superwoofer is not any heavier than the XXX, I actually remember reading David post it was LIGHTER.

When did 6 cubes gross become a big deal for a 15" woofer? There are tons of 15s out their that want 6 cubes NET. 3.5 cubes for a 15 is a quite modest enclosure. If size is an issue, you won't be looking at a 15 anyway, especially not a ported 15.

Sorry for the rant or w/e. This is my first post in like 6 months lol, got me outta the wood work.

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I don't dislike JL for the company or the products, but what has come along with them, they hype and the trash talk etc.

there are countless threads on endless forums of people (who have never heard in a real install) a JLW7, the sub has just gained this AURA of invincablilty outside and inside the internet community, the ignorance of the people that have not experienced a fraction of what is out there is what bothers me, and the belief that there is only one company and one sub for everything drives me up a wall,

yes JL started out small, but so did RF and Kicker etc. But look at Adire, loads of online fans, but the Brahma is an excellent sub that people dont act like its the end all be all, to me its more the people and not the equipment, the RE, Adire, Incriminator, TC Sounds, Power Bass, Sound Splinter, and Stereo Integrity guys are all good people and have great serivce and really try to keep it a family operation feel to it, and not a mass marketing or hype driven campagin,

yes once those companies start to show up in retail stores, I am sure that local know-it-all jokers are going to be riding the bandwagon, but until then I respect these "internet companies" because they have earned our respect and have good customer service

gotta support the little guys :woot:

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Hmm... Lighter than the XXX? I have 4.5 cubes and 50 sq inches of port, looking for a pretty light setup, I have an Orion 2500D to power it, it moves a bunch and should be louder than my XXX... seems like I am getting somewhere. Maybe if it fits I may be selling my 15" XXX and getting one. Quite a novel idea.

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So, you feel that companies should not produce big subwoofers because they are not useable in your vehicle.  Thats basically what some of you have said.  Lets put that into perspective.  I can't fit a 350V8 in my 2001 Cougar, but I'm not going to tell Ford and Chevy to stop producing big blocks.

Now you start to discredit a company simply because of its bandwagon?  Sure the bandwagon is annoying, but its no reason to discredit a company.  SI, PB, and SS just haven't gotten launched into the internet mainstream quite yet.  When they do, and when they get their bandwagon, will you start to dislike them?  Now look at on a larger scale; RE, Treo, DD, and eD all have their bandwagons here on the net.  Go out into the real world and you will be hard pressed to find many people who have heard of them.  Our internet community is a small one and we can't help but have a multitude of people pushing a particular brand.  Not to mention we are all educated (most of us anyway) and of course we will all be praising a select group of companies.  RE, DD, Treo, SS, SI, and PB are all good companies regardless of their bandwagons around here.  US Amps has a huge band wagon on the net, does that make their amps horrible?

Throwing soft parts at finals?  I can see that, woofers go through some extreme torture.  Go talk to Scottie personally though, he still loves RE.  Did you see the number of treo subs laying on the floor at finals??  It happens, its going to happen.

On the subject of REs new superwoofer, I wouldn't group it with the Jackhammer.  From all I can tell, the Jackhammer is marketing bullchit.  300 and something lbs?  At least RE designs for somewhat practical use.  According to them, this new superwoofer is not any heavier than the XXX, I actually remember reading David post it was LIGHTER. 

When did 6 cubes gross become a big deal for a 15" woofer?  There are tons of 15s out their that want 6 cubes NET.  3.5 cubes for a 15 is a quite modest enclosure.  If size is an issue, you won't be looking at a 15 anyway, especially not a ported 15.

Sorry for the rant or w/e.  This is my first post in like 6 months lol, got me outta the wood work.

hate to quote the whole post, but...

i never said re was a bad company. i never said they shouldn't have their bandwagon...and i'd never discredit them because i've never used them (yet)..what i was getting at was the keyboard commando's whose best friends little sister's favorite uncles mechanics grandpa's brother-in-laws son said was an awesome sub.yet they've never heard, owned or seen it (any sub, not just re). i don't dislike the company because of it's followers...i dislike the followers of the users. on ebeef i do have with re, is they don't have great customer courtesy...going on a year since i emailed them...no reply as of yet.

and i'd dislike those same ppl if they were on SS or treo's bandwagon...both brands which i have own/owned and use/used.

as to the size of the subs...i think 6ft^3 gross is big for a mobile audio sub...but i believe since the majority seem to own suv's...sub companies are going to build subs accordingly...remember when solobarics came out, they were designed for small enclosures, and at the time small cars where the thing to have...

i agree about the jackhammer...300+pds....whatever...lol...useless.

sorry for my rant..but i want to make sure u understand where i'm coming from..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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remember when solo's first came out? Kicker said you should never run them ported?? The good ole round ones...

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just let me know when people start selling off their xxx's

Its already begun.

They sell them off to pick up MT's or SX's + RE Comps.

Happening everywhere.

Geoff (good guy albeit weird) at CA is picking up an '04 eXeXeX.

*edit* not to mention, the kids selling their kidneys to save up for the new model.

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*edit* not to mention, the kids selling their kidneys to save up for the new model.

Yeah, no kidding.

While their subs are built to take abuse (or so it seems), I'm sure someone will find a way to blow one up.

- Stev

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. on ebeef i do have with re, is they don't have great customer courtesy...going on a year since i emailed them...no reply as of yet.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

Maybe you emailed the wrong person or something i emailed them like 2 days ago and i got an email the next day.

Also I messed up my Sexxx, called them they even said it sounds like a burnt VC but told me to ship it back anyway, and whalla i get a fixed sub. I personally can vouvh that thier service depo is good.

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