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new box time need some advice

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I am looking at building a new box and I can't seem to make up my mind on 2.5 or 3 cubes. I also keep going back and forth on what tuning to go with 32? 34

any experienced btl owners out there have any advice??

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without knowing what your goals, what equipment you have, and what you plan on listening to there is no answer.

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Sorry I know that was a vague question. As far as goals go I would just like it loud without sounding like :bull: It will be going in my wife's saturn . I haven't done much with ported enclosures so I'm just trying to get a general direction to go in. Right now she just has some polk components up front running off an alpine 100 x 4 . This will be mostly for hip hop, maybe occasional rock. The alt is a 160 amp right now, I have yet to track down anything higher so this may be a temp setup if I can't locate one. I upgraded the stock battery with a deka 34 and added a deka 31 as well ran 0 guage throughout. Right now the amp is a planet audio rxd2400, not great, but it's what I got at the moment.

I hope that helps and if I left anything out let me know

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We normally recommend 1.8-2.5 cuft for the BTLs and 33 Hz for a deep daily tuning. You can tune higher for increased output, but at the expense of some of the bottom end.

Given that the amp is supposed to do 2400W (not sure if thats true or not) Id stick to middle of the road at 2.2 cuft after port and driver and tune to 33Hz. Make sure you subsonic filter is set at 30Hz to keep things from going crazy when the port unloads below tuning.



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