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SSD12 LPF setting

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What would you all recommend for my low pass filter setting for a 12" SSD w/ CC in a sealed 1.5 cubic box. Yes I know it's a big box but I usually prefer the sound of bigger sealed boxes.

Also is there a method for checking that the crossover setting you see on an amp is the actual one that is being output by the amp? I thought using the DMM method and seeing the voltage would work but it didn't tell me anything. I played a 50hz tone and moved the LPF around and all my measurements did was the increase in voltage as I lowered the frequency and vice versa. I thought when I hit 50hz on the dial and below that it would flatline in voltage, but it kept increasing as I lowered the frequency.

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Odd with the VOM and it not really changing anything... it definitely should. Have it set to AC?

Crossover settings/needs are really dependant on the front stage (as mentioned above). If you have a really strong midbass section you can always drop the frequency to blend better. Most people dont have a solid midbass and deal with 80Hz. Not too bad or easily located... but lower is better if you can.



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Well I have 6 1/2" MB Quart reference components. The specs say they handle down to 45hz. My HPF on my amp is set to it's lowest setting, 65Hz, and it sounds good to me.

Now in regards to my xover DMM testing. Yes I did it with the A/C setting. What would be the proper technique of testing the xover setting with a DMM? Maybe I was doing it wrong.

Edited by goldmax99

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