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Got my new SAE-1200D

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I got my 1200D yesterday evening and had a chance to look it over and take some pics today.

1st off this thing is built like a tank, very solid feeling amp. It blows away the Infinity 611A I have been using as far as build quality goes and the Infinity costed just as much when I bought it new a few years ago. Not to mention the Infinity puts out half the power.

On one side of the amp it's got heavy duty power connecters that take 1/0 gauge wire. They are not made from cheap crap that makes you afraid to tighten things up.The speaker outs and remote turn on are built the same way.It's also got 5 30 amp fuses.

On the other side there are 2 rca inputs and I believe 2 rca passthru's. It's got everything you need for a subwoofer amp IMO. It has phase, bass eq, subsonic, x-over, sub remote, gains and high input. The thing I noticed right off is how well you can read the labels of each thing since it's white on black. I hate amps where you can't read what knob your adjusting once you have it bolted down and you have to work from weird angles unless you feel like dismantling your install.

Overall based on looks and build quality I'd say this is one sweet ass looking amp.

Here are some pitures I took of the SAE-1200D:







Hopefully I'll have it installed this weekend.

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first off, i have to say that those are professional looking pictures,......job well done on that :fing34: Next is congrats on some fine sundown equipment and hope it serves you well. Keep us informed on performance and maybe a vid or two.

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Very nice, heck Jacob could use a few of those images. :)

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