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A buddy of mine has an Autotek Super Sport 1500.1. He is willing to sell it to me, but hasn't named a price yet. Are these amps good quality? Will it be too much for a single 15" FI BL? and are they overrated?

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First off any amp cannot be too powerful for a sub, simply turn down the gain

and if you are runnin a more powerful amp than you really need, the amp

will not have to work as hard with the lowered gain which ends up benifting

your amp in that it will not get as hot.

I have two autotek mm amps and they are nice, i acutally owned a super sport 75.4

and it was nice also but i perfered the looks of the mm's. The good thing about autoteks

is that they are rated at 12.5 volts so they are underrated definitely not overrated..

But the only thing with the super sports is that they are A/B class and they draw more

current than a D class. How much? I'm not totally sure but if you have at least 4 gauge

wire in your vehicle i think it will be fine.

Others on here should know more about the difference in draw between the D and the A/B classes...

Edited by Im Hung N ur Not

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200 wouldn't be a bad price. but i would try to talk him down to like 170 - 180..

Aren't the sundown 1500ds really expensive? like 450 dollars?

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yes the sundowns are high priced. i might go with this amp then

he also has 2 FI 12" SSD's in a walled box for a s-10, he wants 500 for the box,subs,amp. If i can get around 100 off would that be a good deal? Do you trust used subwoofers? Thats the only problem I might have with it, i'd rather go with new but money is a factor here, but i also want quality....

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well it all depends on if they were abused. i mean the value of the subs new is 380, probably about 250+ for that amp, and the box materials alone probably cost 40-50 dollars just for a basic box. I think these subs are tough but

i guess the only way you can see if they are in good shape is pics of the cone, spider, leads, and coil to look for signs of damage. but if the subs are in good shape it would be a good deal for 400 if you can talk him down. Plus find out how long everything has been used for.

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Puntures in the cone, tears in the surround, tears in the spiders, burnt/black sections of tensil lead, burnt/black voice coils, and smell it to see if it smells burnt. Also you can push down on the cone to see if it is relatively tough or soft. If they have been recently played they will be looser. But if they are really loose then something is probably screwed up with the spiders. I mean thats about it.. but if there was anything seriously wrong with these sub's i don't think he would let you look at them. Like he would probably do a deal over the internet so he would be less acountable for sellin you broke ass chit. But since you can look at them and stuff. they sould be fine..

And if they are still hooked up and you can listen to them. Listen for mechanical noises. But i think they'll be fine.

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Aren't the sundown 1500ds really expensive?
All relative as to what your definition of "really expensive" happens to be :D
Do you trust used subwoofers?

Only if I knew that the previous owner knew what he was doing...which comes up pretty quickly in conversation. If the words "hit", "bump", "bang" happen, I'd probably walk away :P

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alright i will go look at them soon, as in maybe this week. he only lives about 8 miles from me, so it isn't like i am wasting my time. thanks

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