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Encosure Question

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K, now I know what you are all going to say, BUT before you do please give this a read.

I have a pair of BTL 15's (D2) that I am planning on running with a pair of SAZ-3000D's

I know the box recommendation is 3-5ft^3, with the power, would I be better off staying on the smaller side?

I know when you start going bigger the mechanical ability sub goes down, but the trade off is more forcefull

bottom end (which I would like to have).

I'm planning to have between 6-8ft^3 net enclosure tuned fairly low around 30-32hz

Just curious as to what you guys think about my ideas

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yeah I'd do 8 @ 30 and just watch the gains.

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Why do i need to watch the gains? are they going to do tricks?

i plan on scoping the gains.

Would a smaller or larger box help me deal with the power better?

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Why do i need to watch the gains? are they going to do tricks?

oh, funny guy, eh?

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I try, its not like it was open or anything.

Gains are for sure getting scoped, and I'll be doing a 5dB overlap

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Yes, smaller helps mechanically, but at the expense of efficiency near tuning. How much? Well it depends...

If you are really hard on stuff and beat up on it lots, smaller is better. As with all ported enclosures, pay plenty of attention to the subsonic filter settings vs tuning.



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