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Bl or Q

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i bought 2 12" Bl's from a guy here in chicago for cheap....i really did want the Bl's at first but after thinkin about it, i want somethin thats got good sound quality and solid, pounding bass as well. i know the Bl's pound pretty hard and are basicly designed for spl but are they okay in sq? i have never really heard what a q sounds like in comparison to the bl.

im not a stickler for amazing sound quality, but i want something thats kind of clear but can still scare people when they hear it and have some flex. my final system isnt going in until next summer so i have time to "decide".

of course after i buy the Bl's i ask this question.

and if any of that doesnt make sense tell me and ill try to explain better.

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If SQ is anywhere on the priority list, I'd pick the Q's...

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I don't think theres nothing wrong with the SQ as long as you don't put them in a sealed box.

I mean there not gonna totally blend in with your front stage, but they won't sound like poo either.

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yeah i dont really want them to blend in....but i dont want them to completely drown the sound out either.

and to RIckRolled i know the Q's are sq orientated subs but im not lookin for strictly sq....i just dont want anything that is gonna sound like chit if im playing music everyday...and if the bl's are good enough in the sq area im going to keep them...

Edited by ChiTownTBird312

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I had limited time with the BL but I thought it sounded decent. It is by no means a sq sub but it doesn't sound bad either. If you are looking for accurate bass that gets loud then you'll be happy with the BL's.

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....If you are looking for accurate bass that gets loud then you'll be happy with the BL's.

thats exactly what im looking for. something accurate when im playing it at lower volumes and somethin thats loud as hell when i crank it.

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I think you will be more than fine with the BL, while it isn't for people interested in SQ I don't read your post at all like you are. For your goals it is probably a much better match for the BL.

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and im really not interested in sq i just dont want something that will overpower my music.

but it seems like i made a good choice on the subs.

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my bls hammered and thay had a good sound no matter what kinda of music you threw at them... i have a friend that allways tryed to follow me but do it in his own way... i was into JL audio before.... so of course he got a w3... he wondered how rock would sound on the bl's i did a vid.... in person the subs responded great... quick hard hitting and a great sound... in the vid it sound way behind... but that was not the case at all.. i have had many subs... i enjoyed the bl's if i had a chance to pick some up for a wicked deal i would do so EVEN IF i had no use for them

ho wmuch did you pay for the pair?

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Ya ive owned BL's to. Not once did I say to myself "man these subs sound bad". They get loud and dont sound like complete poo! Good subs!

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i hav'nt really heard the q or any other fi sub, but my bl 15 sounds really good. it hits very accurate even when playing them really loud. the only thing that puts my sq off is that every damn panel on and in the car rattles.

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