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6 cubes after disp. for 2 15 nightshades @ 35

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Thinking of a change from the BTL and going to 2 15s before I sell the whole car next year... I always wanted to give them a run... And sundown amps are the chit so the subs can't be far behind... If I need bigger I have room. Car is a 02 caddy deville. blow through type design or sealed off from the trunk is the way I wanna go. Just waiting on the new 100.4 and I'm done

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Will do... U will be hearing from me soon ... The reason I am switching is because I fried the coil on my BTL... Don't understand it... I properly set the amps was generous with the volume and gain on the amp set@ 10 o clock. No clipping whatsoever. But I will be getting at 2 15 b stocks by next month. A few more steps to an all sundown setup... Been dreaming about this I bought my set of 1500s

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i dont think any more b stocks are in at this time.

but there is a problem and you must find out what it is otherwise you will be in the same boat no matter what sub you use.

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I know... That's what's baffling me, we sat there and went thru it all... That is why this time I finally found someone with an o scope to really set those beastly amps correctly... I live in a small city and when I say o scope, people look at me stupid.but for the record... I was not at all careless with it at all. I guess the best way to learn is experience. I am learning everyday more, and understanding more about car audio... I maybe selling the motor soon because I was still looking for 2 15s which was the original plan... Until nightshades changed my mind...

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i just sold my bl's tonight... so im picking some nightshades for my self.

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No oscope in the world will keep you from frying coils, this is a HUGE missconception.

Just be carefull, you fried the coil for only one reason, too much power, this is 100% user error. Don't make the mistake of doing this again. The benefit of have 2 subs though will be dividing the power up between two motors (you are using the same power, right?), so you may have a little more forgiveness in the thermal power handling department.

Clipping doesn't hurt subs, gain settings don't hurt subs, O-scopes don't save subs, only your right hand does these things... Or your remote....

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Iguess I'll turn it down more than what I thought was fine... Thanks for the info 95Honda... There's a lot more things I have learn before I plan my next set up.

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No oscope in the world will keep you from frying coils, this is a HUGE missconception.

Just be carefull, you fried the coil for only one reason, too much power, this is 100% user error. Don't make the mistake of doing this again. The benefit of have 2 subs though will be dividing the power up between two motors (you are using the same power, right?), so you may have a little more forgiveness in the thermal power handling department.

Clipping doesn't hurt subs, gain settings don't hurt subs, O-scopes don't save subs, only your right hand does these things... Or your remote....

this is retarded. i straight clipmoded my 3000d to power my 18 btl..... had it for months pounding it all day long. and i believe dirty signals do hutrt the sub

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No oscope in the world will keep you from frying coils, this is a HUGE missconception.

Just be carefull, you fried the coil for only one reason, too much power, this is 100% user error. Don't make the mistake of doing this again. The benefit of have 2 subs though will be dividing the power up between two motors (you are using the same power, right?), so you may have a little more forgiveness in the thermal power handling department.

Clipping doesn't hurt subs, gain settings don't hurt subs, O-scopes don't save subs, only your right hand does these things... Or your remote....

this is retarded. i straight clipmoded my 3000d to power my 18 btl..... had it for months pounding it all day long. and i believe dirty signals do hutrt the sub

Before you go off typing things...



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Just a small suggestion, it would not hurt to put a fail safe such as a fuse in line with your speaker(s). It could save you some money and headaches in the end. Not sure what this had to do with the original thread.

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