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difference in spl and sq subs

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ok, the difference in sound is pretty obvious, but whats the technical difference between making a sq and a spl sub? i mean if all speakers and subs work by the same principles, how is one more accurate than another? just always wondered that , thanks

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what a retarded question... like asian said, all cars have engines, why do some eat more gas. why are some faster.

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There really is no technical difference.

Some of the differences that are pushed by manufacturers are:

Excursion linearity (how linear the driver behaves the futher it moves from static position)

Frequency response (how flat it is)

Driver Q (how it will behave, or more likely "not behave" in a chosen alignement)

Power handling/Power compression


These are some of the main parameters that will be pointed out by manufacturers to push thier driver as more of something designed for "sound quality" and one designed for "SPL". There are tons more parameters to look at, these are just a few, but hopefully this will help you understand that there are a lot of variables when determaining a particular drivers purpose.

This wasn't a retarded question, BTW. I would be willing to bet that most people don't understand this.

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how in any way is that a retarded question, i know the differences between engines and cars for the most part, but i dont about speakers, isnt that the entire reason for the site in the first place? and thanks 95honda for your answer, it does begin to help, i just wanted to know what parts in particular help in designing a speaker or subwoofer for a specific purpose, and why that is

Edited by BristaBrock

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what a retarded question... like asian said, all cars have engines, why do some eat more gas. why are some faster.

This isn't ROE. I think it's a very good question, most all of us are here to learn. Stop being such an ass.

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