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Got my First ticket...

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MY Buddy got pulled over once while drinking (i was with him) he got out of the car put both hands up in the air and stood against his car (he assumed the position) the officer tackled him and beat him with the night stick all while yelling "stop resisting" he never tried to move let alone resist...

oh yeah they did pick him up off the ground and slammed his head into the rear quarter of his car.. a few times...(completly caved it in... brand new car.. he had it for like 3 days)

a little excessive force... this kid is 5'10" and 145 soaking wet.... not a real threat..

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MY Buddy got pulled over once while drinking (i was with him) he got out of the car put both hands up in the air and stood against his car (he assumed the position) the officer tackled him and beat him with the night stick all while yelling "stop resisting" he never tried to move let alone resist...

oh yeah they did pick him up off the ground and slammed his head into the rear quarter of his car.. a few times...(completly caved it in... brand new car.. he had it for like 3 days)

a little excessive force... this kid is 5'10" and 145 soaking wet.... not a real threat..

Some cops are asses. It seems that male cops are nice to females and vice versa...but I've never met a gay cop.

I've never seen a cop beat up a woman..

Edited by Gearstix

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the cop that gave me the stereo ticket was gay... didn't pan out for me.. guess I wasn't "purty" enough.. or maybe he was offend because I like boobies... :)

Edited by rushnrun

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