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shopping for audio for a party bus.

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Well if you want to go a little cheaper.... I've got a bunch of stuff sitting around collecting dust... :)

how bout

2 Kicker ZX200.2's

1 Kicker ZX750.1

4 JVC CD-DX25 400 watt RMS 10" woofer (these work great in a small ported or bandpass_bandpass would ensure nobody can poke at the woofers...)

100' audiopipe 12ga (the audiopipe isn't quite as thick as some others more like 13ga than 12, I've got a 500' spool to cut off of)

I've got some 20' audiopipe RCA's I can throw in there as well

I can do $545 Shipped for it all...

the woofers/wiring is new

the kicker amps are refurbs, I bought them as refurbs

I may have some powerwire on a spool as well...

I also have some visonik 10's for the same price, I can provide pics of all...

I know you want to help me clean out my spare bedroom/store room :)

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