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Difference in upgrading from 2 15"FI SSDs to Qs.

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I currently have 2 15" Fi SSDs with the copper coils in a 8ft^3 enclosure tuned to 33hz. They are getting about 1600 watts. I am thinking about upgrading to the Fi Qs and using the same enclosure and power..

Would it be worth the upgrade? What differences would I see?

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There will be little if any difference other than being more efficient on the power. You may notice a difference in how they sound.. but it won't be drastic.

Now, if you changed the tune to 30hz when you go to the Q :)

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what are you seeking?

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Well I would like a little more low end.

I had an improperly braced box supposedly tuned to 32hz that absolutely RAPED the lows. But the box kept breaking from flex and what not so I got a new one..This one is pretty much the exact same specs with proper bracing and all that..For some reason I lost several dB off my lows but the subs are 2-3dB louder in the 40hz+ region. They also seem to sound better on music. I have no clue what the deal is from switching boxes, but I want my lows back...

My old box i metered 145.dB @ 47hz..This new box is definitely going to meter 147ish..I am not really worried about the meter but was hoping the Qs could meter about the same and bring my low end back.

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What do you mean by low, 47hz is far from low IMO.

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What do you mean by low, 47hz is far from low IMO.

It peaked at 47hz..It would still pull 140s @ 30hz.

I am still curious as to what you are referring to as lows.

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Well I would like a little more low end.

I had an improperly braced box supposedly tuned to 32hz that absolutely RAPED the lows. But the box kept breaking from flex and what not so I got a new one..This one is pretty much the exact same specs with proper bracing and all that..For some reason I lost several dB off my lows but the subs are 2-3dB louder in the 40hz+ region. They also seem to sound better on music. I have no clue what the deal is from switching boxes, but I want my lows back...

My old box i metered 145.dB @ 47hz..This new box is definitely going to meter 147ish..I am not really worried about the meter but was hoping the Qs could meter about the same and bring my low end back.

how close to being the same is "pretty much"

sounds like the tuning is higher in the new box,

if you have the same size box but with bracing, you bracing has taken up some box volume slightly changing the tuning frequency of the box (pending everything is the same port size/lenght as well) you probably just need to add some port length to get the tuning back down,

*changing out the woofers isn't gonna fix the higer tuning of the box, the tuning will have to be changed to get the lows back

Edited by rushnrun

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i have my box tuned to 28hz and i have nice lows i have had the q in a 35hz and i didnt like it at all much better on music and better lowend with the lower tuning. if you can just save money on subs and have a new box built bigger and tuned lower like 10cu tuned to 28-30hz

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