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UBERwoofer/D2/Aura 2"

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I'll have to agree with Tirefyr - I think it's more an issue of what he has to do to get this straight for everyone.

Meh, it's not really a huge deal. I'm just surprised, a lil disapointed as well I suppose. My first time with TC and / or Josh.

I have more then enough amplifiers about to push this thing at any given impedance. My plans were originally for 800-1200 rms anyhow.

I feel for Josh though, this may be a mess for him... IIRC at least 15 people ordered.

Soooory for all the OT posts.


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Soooory for all the OT posts.


Ah, it's all relative. Notice the resemblance to my little 2" Aura. The MiniUBER. :)

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Just to make things clear here, so there's no confusion, this is TC Sounds fault, and in no way shape or form Josh's fault or responsibility. Despite this fact, he's doing everything in his power to remedy the situation, even at his own inconvenience and cost, which is absolutely admirable. In my eyes he's acted as an intermediary between buyer and buildhouse and is not responsible for their screwups, yet he goes out of his way to fix the situation. I've known the guy for 3-4 years and is one of the most standup people I've known, internet or otherwise. Josh >>>>> TC Sounds.

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Bummer to hear about that fallout. :unsure:

Let's hope the drivers will be easily repaired/replaced for Josh's sake. Sure sucks when a wrench gets thrown in things. =[

TC unexpectedly lost one of their engineers/managers that left without notice a few weeks ago, who may have been involved with that project though I don't really know. My production was slightly delayed but I took a trip down to the facility a week ago to make sure things were back on track with my drivers and after some manual inventory work things appear normal again.

I don't know much about those uberwoofers save for what I've read on the internet. Good luck gettin' it all straightened out.

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TC unexpectedly lost one of their engineers/managers that left without notice a few weeks ago, who may have been involved with that project though I don't really know.  My production was slightly delayed but I took a trip down to the facility a week ago to make sure things were back on track with my drivers and after some manual inventory work things appear normal again. 

All drivers were completed just before this took place. I was worried it might cause a problem and questioned this myself, but was assured all drivers were already completed and were actually starting to ship.

You know the saying though, one bad link and the whole chain is ruined.

all will be fine, Josh won't let it be any other way.

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I don't know much about those uberwoofers save for what I've read on the internet.  Good luck gettin' it all straightened out.

If I'm down in Thousand Oaks visitng my friend sometime, you'll get your fair share of listening time :D

And that damn Aura sure looks like that uberwoofer.

- Steve

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