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PT Teal

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I am a tattooist and body piercier that really loves his music clean clean and loud. I am a responsible boomer as my sound is for me and me alone. I am 45 and got into doing my own systems two years ago. I have done one system only and now redoing.


I do read the forums everyday but dont post much as I am not a post whore and I have far less info as you guys.

I do post as to things I need to know but really it is not on the common things that are posted.

Right now I am building my pt so as it can hold 10 amps, 4 subs, 4 midbass, 4 midrange and 8 tweeters.

I have lost my left eye this year do to cancer so I am going to put a tv for backing up.

I will be running my ststem off of a P9 Combo, and will have a 80g hd to add to the system. The cars already been upgraded to a 220 amp alternator and been turbo charged so as to pull the weight of the ststem. I will be putting a battery pack of three batteries to get this all going.

So far I got the amprack in and fiberglassing it all in. I have all four subs encloser in and mounted in the battery pack box is in place and bolted. The boxes are done and installed for the midbass. The doorpods have been fiberglass for the new midbass and the floor pods have been made. I am really close as now just have more cots of fiberglass to do on all and some filler work then it will be time to install the equipment.

4 kicker 1200.1 amps for the

4 12" Brahma's

2 bass mekanick 350 amps for the

4 8" kicker mb8 midbass

2 mtx2150 amps for the

8 kicker r25 tweeters

2 mtx 2300 amps for the

8 diamond audio 6" hex midrange

I look forward to all your help and thanks for making a new forum for me to come to.

PT Teal



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PT Teal,

Long time no see, Dave Edwards(Orionx from the Teamamp.com board) here wishing you a great stay here!Glad to have you aboard!I am sorry to hear about your cancer---my brother is also fighting cancer too.God Bless you.Hopefully we can get this place jumping like Teamamp.com was!


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thanks, I am cancer free now and doing very fine. I have been taken pic's all along and should be posting some soon. Good to be here!

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Heloo and welcome Terry, I am glad you came on, and it looks like your building a really sick set up there, 5000+ watts and 4 brahmas are going to hurt, lol, but wow keep us updated and just wondering on why all the different amps and varriing companies? personal preference? just wondering, thanks again

peace :slayer:

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Different equipment is because:

I had a system that you see on my sound domain and wanted to upgrade.

The wife would not let me upgrade everything as I was spending to much money.

I did not like the tweeters that came with the Diamonds as they really did not take the power . I got the r25 as they sound very good to me and they really can take some rms and worked real good with the ohms that I needed.

I got the kicker rmb8 as At the time (1 year ago) nobody had to much to look at for midbass. I had talk to dan from adire at the time and he had nothing ready to go. On day I will get all the componutes to match up front but I am going to need a bit more money for that.

the mtx amps are some good a/b amps that I have around. The wife is not ready for me to change them. I will be changing them so as to match. This will take awhile.

The not changing then is due to very high doctors bill as I did not have insurance and have to pay over $3,000 a month to keep up. so when I get caught up, I might change them then

I have been working on this install for about a year now, with down time due to the eye.

The total will be

4800 rms to the subs

700 rms to the midbass

1000 to midrange

700 to tweeters

There is a bunch of switches to turn half the system off for daily driving, turn on for high dbs. I should be able to run the whole system at full tilt with every speaker running and not hurt the speakers and still get crazy loud.

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I have already upgraded the alternator to a 220. I just built a box to hold a few batteries within the car. I got 6 srv80 but could only find room for 3. I was told to just wire from the front battery to these, but the front battery is different! I thinking about putting a (switch) my head just took a dump as I cant think of a name for it.

You have a idea? I will start a new post for this as, I was just about to anyway.

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