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kicker l7 15"

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ok so my bro has a 15" l7.... seems to be alot of these mentioned in the forum lol. right now its in a sealed 1.5 cube box. a kenwood kac something something powering it with 900rms. car is a mercury sable with the mach audio system. currently the amp is using a loc to get single but my bro will be geting a mtx req or similar device later this year. theres no deading in the car and it rattles like crazy as is.... sorry to anyone who has heard and affended by the rattle...

hes geting like 2 rolls of raammat for xmas from my parents

we picked up some mdf and liquid nail today and plan to do a new box for the sub. im hoping to do a ported box with a pretty spl oriented design.

afew question on the design.

sub mounted up or back?

-trunk is pretty shallow so a mounting the sub up might help get more cubes out of the trunk.

-which is louder?

port side or back?

-i read the another post about how a side port vs back. but i think a side port to the driver side would rattle the cd changer alittle to much.

port tuning?

-like i said he listens to alot of rap so i think a really low port like 30hz would be a waste of space. but i could be wrong.

could someone give me a range of expectable ported box volumes.(net and total)

ill post up some dimension for useable space. and the box will most likely be built in the trunk...

if i cant meet an adequate ported box spec's would u recommend a larger sealed box?

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Get rid of the liquid nails and use normal wood glue, nothing else.

Follow Kicker's recommendations on enclosure and you'll be good.

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what about sub and port direction?

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Those will be things you'll have to experiment with. Normally in trunk cars, sub and port back are the way to go.

Also, In my past experience with L5/L7's, they generally like boxes on the larger spectrum of Kicker's recommended sizes.

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ok thanks thats what i needed to hear. i wish he got a 12... his trunk is just so annoying...

ill let u know how it turns out. maybe we can just do a bigass sealed box if we get lazy.

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You could always experiment with Aero ports as well. Those would give you the ability to go external with them. Thus leaving the interior of the box free for just the subwoofer.

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ohya ill have to check them out.

ill take some measurements tomorrow and see how much room i got. i hope to do the the recommended 3 cubes tuned to what ever kicker has it at. i cant use win isd with my mac. is there another program i could use... i need to get windows so on this too(dual boot) for those kinda programs...

the trunk opening limits me pretty badly and i will most likely have to build inside the trunk or come up with a way to build it in pieces. going thru back seat is worse unless i can take half the rear deck apart. also the trunk gets shorter the closer u get to the rear seat.

if it was my car id be all over it. im kinda temped to aim the sub up and see what kinda damage it does to trunk and rear deck lol. it rattles that bad already in a little sealed box.

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