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Thinking about buying a boat

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Something very simple and low maintenance, just like a 14' aluminum boat for fishing in the lakes around here. There are a few in the newspaper classifieds for $600-1200, which is about all I'd want to spend. But I know almost nothing about boat ownership. I figure you have to register it and pay property taxes on it and the trailer plus get a tag for the trailer. But is insurance necessary?

Unfortunately I don't have a house and garage of my own to store it in, as I live in a townhome complex. The nearby lake has dry storage spaces for $50 a month, which I'm not too excited about paying. A friend in a nearby town said I may be able to store it in his garage if it will fit (I think it would), but I may only use that for winter as it would be inconvenient to have to drive the 40 minutes to his house to get it every time I want to go out during the summer. If my complex would allow it, I may park it in there by my house. But I'm unsure of how safe it would be, and plus it may be a problem to have a 20' trailer sticking out of a parking spot, I don't know. We've never had a problem with theft or anything, and I'd get a lock not only for the hitch but maybe on the wheels as well. I don't know how easy it would be to steal the outboard motor if somebody was after that, but I assume they just bolt on, so probably not overly difficult other than the weight of it. What do you think? Maybe one of those self-storage places would be better. I'd have to call and get rates and see if anybody even has one that would fit the boat in it.

Edited by KU40

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i think an aluminum boat is a great first

i love mine, but its sort of needs some work right now...

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I'd have a small john boat if I lived somewhere I could use it. Lake Mead is too rough for a small boat and I don't enjoy the kind of fishing it offers.

You don't need insurance. Just registration for the boat and a tag for the trailer. Neither are very expensive anywhere I've ever lived. Don't forget the Coast Guard mandated safety items (paddle, flotation, signaling devices, etc...)

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u can take a little boaters safety course on the internet, that will teach u alot

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