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? for FI about options on a BTL

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Ok I read the options page and I understand it pretty well. My question is I know I need to get one of the cooling options on the sub but which one? The sub will be used for daily. If I go with cooling, the strength of the motor will be reduced but if I g with just teh p/chamfer option, will it be enough to keep things under control? I really don't want to loose any structural integrity inside the motor if I don't have to. And the inner heat sink? I don't quite understand that one what is it for, and do I need it?

So the options that I think I need are: p/chamfer, hi xmax coil, daily, universal? Would these options be what Ineed for daily 2k+ rms? thanks

Edited by 07merc

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Your not going to notice a loss in motor strength...the fully loaded BTL now has more motor strength than the previous one did with SPL tolerances and no cooling.

The inner heat sink is explained in the options...it basically creates more pressure inside of the gap to increase velocity inside of the motor, it also lowers inductance some as well.

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Your not going to notice a loss in motor strength...the fully loaded BTL now has more motor strength than the previous one did with SPL tolerances and no cooling.

The inner heat sink is explained in the options...it basically creates more pressure inside of the gap to increase velocity inside of the motor, it also lowers inductance some as well.

what are some benefits of lowering inductance and increasing the velocity inside the motor?

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bump, i'm really looking into buying two of these, a little cs would be very helpful, thanks.


nick is the fourm mod......

he allso has more then a full time job...

from what i understand he reads the fourm on his PDA, but can not respond in detail until he gets to a computer.

im sure you have read this topic right? http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7153

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Yeah i read it and all, it's just not as thurough as I was looking for. I mean, when you spend your money, you want to know exactly what your paying for and that it is exactly what you want and will do exactly what you want it to do..

Hey bj, still interested in those q motors and baskets? lol I put the IA on them and burnt the coils...

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Yeah i read it and all, it's just not as thurough as I was looking for. I mean, when you spend your money, you want to know exactly what your paying for and that it is exactly what you want and will do exactly what you want it to do..

Hey bj, still interested in those q motors and baskets? lol I put the IA on them and burnt the coils...

yes i do know what you mean.... and yeah... for the right price yes sir i am

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bump, i'm really looking into buying two of these, a little cs would be very helpful, thanks.

Sorry man, I simply do not have time to sit here 24-7 and answer questions that the answers are already here. I get on here when I can, don't expect a reply after a few minutes.

Inner Heat Sink: Its a machined aluminum ring in the gap that lowers the voicecoils inductance (allowing it to play up higher and have a little better overall transient response). It also reduces the volume inside the magnet gap of the motor increasing air speed with the cooling as well as allowing the coil to kick off heat to a more receptive thermal mass rather than magnets.

Transient response = 'accuracy' as in techno or kick drum type music..the woofer does not sound 'behind' the rest of the music..busting the myth of 18's are slow and 10's and 12's are made for techno..

Aluminum soaks up heat much better than ferrite does...the ring increases the air speed inside of the motor making the cooling more effective...

I'm not sure how i'm supposed to explain it better...that's exactly what it does..if you still do not understand I am not sure what to tell you.

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