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dem beats

Need highs on my active set up

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I need to decide on the speakers that will handle the top end of the audio spectrum.

Here is what I have; my 18" Q with the BP option on a sundown 1500, the L8's from HAT will handle the mid, I have an older 4 chan v12 alpine, that should work, and if not... which will relaly piss me off... I'll need to get another 4chan, or 2, 2chan amps. I think the alpine gets about 45-65 per chan if I remember correctly, but I also seam to remember the rating was a good deal under actual benched amounts from when other people tested them.

I don't really have a budget, but I honestly wasn't in the mood to pay what the L1 pro's cost even with the 25% off. I just had my doubts about the product to be honest. Hard to beleive a 1 inch can dig that low really.

What suggestions do you all have for that top end driver, and where would I cross it over? My goal is clarity and imaging. I'm pretty much open to any ideas you have. If it must be IB though it will have to be vented into the engine bay or something along those lines. My doors are off limis for the purpose of speakers unless they are ity bitty. I did look at a few fostex full range that I thought might do the trick but I want to hear your ideas to help me reign in my scatter brained mind.

I also want to know peoples opinion on the enclosure for the Q. I have MORE than enough power. I will probably dial it down a notch in fact and reduce the bass on the HU or keep the gains down. I ended up with the Q instead of my original plan for the 1500, and if I like it I'll get a few more for the HT, but alas that's another thread. What would you do for an enclosure, knowing SQ is the #1. My first thought is to go with on the smaller (4-5 cubes) sealed. I will probably make a ported box sometime, just to play with but I wouldn't really want it for DD, but would be fun for testing.

I listen to every type of music from Rachmaninoff to hip hop, but mostly acoustic music, and good old rock and bass heavy "techno".

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How low are you hoping to go with the tweeter? I wouldn't go above 2k with that L8, 1500 more preferably. What about horns?

I'd definitely go sealed with the Q. 5 cubes sounds average.

Edited by KU40

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You already know what I think =)

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you think my sub is too big. It's ok. I'm making up for my smaller parts!


And 3 way... yeah.... damnit. I am thinking that may be an option... but damnit! I am trying 2 avoid it.


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