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AQ2200D vs SAZ1500D- THE Test Comparison

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I have just finished receiving my impedance curve measurements for my setup design between 20hz-80hz.

Here shortly, the graph will be posted here and in a few hrs, me and a buddy are gonna take a trip to an isolated area where we will be measuring output and efficiency and comparing those numbers with the SAZ1500D as i've always wanted to know if the AQ outperforms the Sundown since it's rated to do more power but only at a higher voltage.

As of right now, -

Impedance curve ranges from 1.76 ohms to 21.6 ohms.

DCR is 0.7 ohms

So... i will NOT have any measurements below 1.76 ohms and depending on heat buildup, i'm still hoping to pull some numbers out of the AQ below 2.0 ohms as well.

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Here is the impedance curve-


The setup is tuned to peak at 34hz AND 49hz(Fs of car).

It's tuned low, around 32hz.

We will be getting measurements hopefully within the next couple hrs.

If we get em today, i'll try and have the info posted here sometime tonight.

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Ok guys, after doing extensive testing here is results-

AQ2200D is about 82% efficient at 4.08ohms non clipped. We didnt get any other efficiency readings at lower levels as we lost a meter and couldnt read the right voltage that we needed.

We did on and off testing for 3.5 hrs doing 3-12 sec burps and then played a 13 min bass track and the subs STILL have not gave off any signs of thermal stress!

The AQ HDC3s are a beast when it comes to handling power.

These 2 12s are powered by 2 AQ2200Ds.

The following is a visual statement and nothing set in concrete-

It audibly appears that XMAX rating for the 12s looks to be about 28-33mm.

After that range, the sub changed it's quality output and sounded like it went clipped but didnt. As we turned it up some more the sound slowly faded away about 50% and the more it moved, the more it showed it's SPL potential.

OK, now back to the amps.

In testing, we couldnt never get a load lower than 2.21 ohms!!! AAAHH! Sorry guys but the following tests are done from 4-2.21 ohms only.


Sundown using 2 batteries stock alt.

My setup using 3 batteries and stock alt.

Sundown -

4 ohm nominal = 520 watts @ 88% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 14.1v)

Me -

4.08 ohm actual = 503w non clipped (voltage fell from 13.0 to 12.6v)

4.29 ohm actual = 587w clipped (voltage fell from 13.0 to 12.5v)

Me -

3.25 ohm actual = 781w non clipped (voltage fell from 12.9 to 12.5v)

Sundown -

2 ohm nominal = 960 watts @ 84% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 13.7v)

Me -

2.57 ohm actual = 966w non clipped (voltage fell from 12.9 to 12.4v)

2.2 ohm actual = 1,114w clipped (voltage fell from 12.7 to 12.3v)

So what do we think?

The AQ is rated to do power at 14.4v, even though i wasn't that high in voltage, as you can see in the clipped stages, it should definitely exceed it's rating. The amp still is strong is lower voltage levels which is more typical with average charging systems.

The AQ amps can run all the way down to 8.5v so there should be no worry about low voltage issues(DO NOT TRY THIS FOR SAFETY SAKE)

The amps appear to be just a little less efficient than the sundowns but can pack a damaging punch.

I will be getting a Db reading hopefully tomorrow to see what it says.

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I am curious as to your measurement gear and testing setup.

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Props for the effort !

But I have a hint of doubt those amps would work ok at 8.5v...

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me too... anything below 12 flat in my eyes is a bad install.

my measurements consist of using ac dmm and ac ammeter on the outputs of the amps terminals. RMS values only.

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