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100.2 dilemma

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well i purchased a 100.2 then plans changed a bit i should have got a 100.4 but im going to work with the 100.2

run down

Vehicle: 1994 gmc sierra

Subs: 2 SD1 12's V1's

Amp: SAX-100.2

Comps: Image dynamics ctx65cs

the dilemma

running in tri-mode essentially runs the same frequency to the subs and components.

i already have everything on a subsonic filter below 30hz.

now i need to keep the subs from playing above about 90 hz and the comps from playing anything below around 60hz.

i cant use the EQ that im using for a subsonic filter because when i try to filter for the comps its just going to kill the bass. so im going to have to make some crossovers i quess

heres a pic of how tri-mode works


I apologize for poor grammar and spelling and lack of punctuation but the keyboard im using is about the size off a 3x5 card

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Cross over theory

cross over calculator

If it were me (a lazy person with more $ than brain cells) , I'd skip the trouble of making sure I got the crossovers done right find a way to either get another 100.2 (refurb maybe $200 at DB-R?) or find a way to trade/sell your 100.2 for a 100.4.

or just buy a new 100.2 cheaper :) or 100.4 for just alittle more. (Im the Florida sales rep) lol buddy of mine said it cant be done so im going to prove him differently

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the only way you are going to filter out frequencies and have the sub play a different range than the comps is to use passive crossovers.

If there is another way when running in tri-mode... then it must me new to me.

Running an EQ before the amp will result in all speakers being effected by the EQ's settings.

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Im thinking of something that you'll install between the sax100.2 and sub to cutoff high freqs.

mhen you're right, thats a dilemma.

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You have are going to have a rather large sensitivity difference and it really isn't going to sound that good, unless you have some real measurement gear to really figure out exactly what you need for crossover components. If you are doing this just because you said that you could, you should stop it isn't worth it. Can it be done, yes, but considering the questions you have asked I don't think it will be done well. The crossover could easily be more expensive than the difference between upgrading your amp.

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You have are going to have a rather large sensitivity difference and it really isn't going to sound that good, unless you have some real measurement gear to really figure out exactly what you need for crossover components. If you are doing this just because you said that you could, you should stop it isn't worth it. Can it be done, yes, but considering the questions you have asked I don't think it will be done well. The crossover could easily be more expensive than the difference between upgrading your amp.

this is true what i was thinking was.

(the reason im not upgrading amps is this a temporary system)

the following i already have a subsonic filter that will go inline with the rca's that will keep everything from playing anything below 30hz

now with the subs i was going to install a subsonic filter inline with them

and run a inline highpass (bass-blocker) for the component set

its by far not the best way to do it by any means but im only going to have this system in there till January or so (when my subs are appose to be in production) so im not trying to sink anymore money into this project.

so far i have

Team price on the 100.2

70 bucks in mdf (3 sheets)

and 10 for a subsonic filter

everything else i had laying around

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Then get a cheap used amp for the components and sell it when the rest of your stuff comes in. It should only cost you shipping which is trivial. If you only use a "bassblocker" that is going to sound like complete ass.

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ugh nvm i will just research making crossovers myself since the only answer i can get is to buy more equipment

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crossovers cost money too...

not alot most can be made fairly easily and im willing to go that route

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crossovers cost money too...

not alot most can be made fairly easily and im willing to go that route

Umm, not really. To build a LP, a HP, and an Lpad you could easily have well over $75 in parts. It will be cheaper to get a little amplifier. Plus if you truly want to do a crossover right you will need more than $100 in measurement gear. It will be by far cheapest in the long run to buy an amp and sell it when you don't need it anymore.

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i put this system together with chit i had other than the amp and subsonic filter budget was and is 200 bucks another amp will put me over and i do not see where you see 75 bucks in parts for a crossover. i can buy a complete crossover from P.E for 21 and all componets used in those i can get from the local electronics/aircraft supply

Edited by F3RR3T

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i put this system together with chit i had other than the amp and subsonic filter budget was and is 200 bucks another amp will put me over and i do not see where you see 75 bucks in parts for a crossover. i can buy a complete crossover from P.E for 21 and all componets used in those i can get from the local electronics/aircraft supply

You can't use that crossover from PE it won't do you any good.

You need a way of equalizing the level between the drivers, ie an L-pad, building one requires multiple components.

You need a Low pass for the sub, inductors aren't cheap and you need more than that since 6dB of crossover won't cut it.

You also need a high pass for the mids, while you could again try a single capacitor a 6dB slope won't cut it. Assuming you build at least a 2nd order crossover, again you are going to need another inductor.

An amp will be cheaper, if you think differently go ahead but don't say you weren't warned. If you just buy some off the shelf crossover expect your system to sound really bad. :(

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i put this system together with chit i had other than the amp and subsonic filter budget was and is 200 bucks another amp will put me over and i do not see where you see 75 bucks in parts for a crossover. i can buy a complete crossover from P.E for 21 and all componets used in those i can get from the local electronics/aircraft supply

You can't use that crossover from PE it won't do you any good.

You need a way of equalizing the level between the drivers, ie an L-pad, building one requires multiple components.

You need a Low pass for the sub, inductors aren't cheap and you need more than that since 6dB of crossover won't cut it.

You also need a high pass for the mids, while you could again try a single capacitor a 6dB slope won't cut it. Assuming you build at least a 2nd order crossover, again you are going to need another inductor.

An amp will be cheaper, if you think differently go ahead but don't say you weren't warned. If you just buy some off the shelf crossover expect your system to sound really bad. :(

true true

as far as sound i could really care less i just need some mids and highs to go alone with what i got. i may sell the 100.2 and pick up a 100.4 but then im bass'less for a week or 2

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