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Recone for Older Rockford

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My brother and I are working on and IB setup for his car. He really wants to use an older pair of rockford 15's, I'm guessing they are from the early to mid 90's. The surround on both of them is going bad and I am hoping that FI can give these subs new life!!

I will try and get pictures of the sub, but am afraid that won't help you out much.

So, I'm wondering if I should send the subs in or what, thanks for any help and if you could even come up with a price for a recone, that'd be great too.

If you can't do much cuz i've given you almost zero useful information, let me know and I'll try and dig up more about the sub.


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Not at all, i feel dumb for even posting, lol. I'm going to take pics and actually take a look at the subs tomorrow hopefully.

I did notice that there is a Fi IB 15 for pretty damn good deal and maybe will pic up one or a pair of these.

His trunk is probably 10-12 cubes and we're still working on getting it completely sealed.

I'm going to scan the net now for older rockford subs, I think they are punch, but honestly have almost no clue

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Thanks for the link, I saw those while looking and the sub is older than those recones, but thanks.

I am almost considering to pitch the old rockfords and get a pair of the Fi IB 15's, though it would be cool to recone these old subs and give them new life.

I did 5 searches w/ google images and came up with nothing after going into 15 pages with each.

i'll just get pics and any info I can tomorrow hopefully.

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If the foam is the only thing wrong with the sub, then just re-foam it. Try Ebay users moonlistener, geoaliwil, bootapest2 & speakerworldonline-fla for sources of foam.


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