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Aaron Clinton

Most members online !!!!!!

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I just noticed this at the bottom of the main page, what in the world happened yesterday??

Most users ever online was 161 on Yesterday, 02:11 AM

:4123357f3da0f6e125a54: :4123357f3da0f6e125a54: :4123357f3da0f6e125a54:

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No idea, but I know I wasn't on. Crap.

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Do guests count as people online?

We don't have 161 active members :P

- Steve

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I think it might have been guests, weird we dont have the google adds set up yet

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same thing happened on CA.com

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bots scanning for email addresses on the forums. Spam may appear in your inbox sometime soon then.

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I noticed we are up to 188

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well our membership is steady increasing a few a day

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Check your referrer logs; usually you'll see that the addresses come from a single domain or two, and 9 times out of 10 it's a search engine spider indexing your webpages for their content. It's great for upping your rank in the engines, but sometimes the load can seriously bog down slower servers yingyang.gif

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yeah the googlebot i on here all the time, we are trying to set up the google adds which will help direct more links and connections to here

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Also, if you have a lot of directories on your server here that are just filled with images or stuff that you don't think should necessarily be indexed on search engines, either because it has sensitive or unrelated content, you can specify which folders should be avoided with a "robots.txt" text file in your root directory. The file needs to follow the following format, where User-Agent: * specifies which search engines should follow the rules (ie. if you only want specific spiders to use your rules, then remove the * and replace with each respective engine's name). After the User-Agent line, you write "Disallow:" and simply list all folders you don't want the spiders to index. For example, my soundsplinter robots.txt is as follows:

User-Agent: *















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holy crap 239 this morning!!!!

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