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im makeing this post for ppl trying to use fiberglass on there install's. this will help you understand how and what to use to make the job easyer. i will have more later and hopefully have a step by step so you can see it at work....

so here we go...

the material's you might see is fiberglass this came's in many form's such as chop mat, cloth, fleece, speaker grill cloth and speaker carpet. next is the resin again came's in many form's, polyester and epoxy. these are the most used in the car audio world. other thing's you'll see is PVA, mold wax, MDF, bondo ect ect.... (and a few time's steel mesh, but i never used it.)

ok now im goin to talk about resin. the resin we mostly use in the audio world is polyester resin. it is very easy to work with once you get used to it. the way you mix resin with the hardner is 5 to 1 ratio or 1-2oz of hardner. (exp: 500 ml resin / 5cc hardner 1000ml / 10cc ect ect....) try to never go over 2% also try not to buy resin if you not goin to use it for awhile. most resin such as the ones you buy at a hardware store been there for awhile and might not harden when apply. for me the best place to buy is from a boat store that works on boat's. plus the resin there is alot stronger then the ones at wall-mart, hardware store's.


now for the chop mat, this is the stuff you see at wallmart or hardware store's in most likely 1.5oz chop mat. it is very cheap but came's aprt very easy. so it make's it a pain to work with. it will stick to the brush and get all over.


next is the woven mat, this mat is better and stonger then chop mat. plus come's in thicker form (12-24oz). but harder to shape on tight curve's. now it to can come apair which make's it a pain also.


now we getting to the mat i like to use. it's a stitch mat usely in 12oz form. being stitched it will not came apart. you can use it on hard curve's with ease. but cost more.

other thing's you can use is speaker grill cloth and carpet. i've used the grill cloth and did'nt like it. after i put the resin the part was still very weak, so i had to add more mat. the carpet i never used but i think it would work better then the grill cloth. one of the reason's i never usedcarpet is because i like useing fleece. fleece you can buy it at wallmart in the fabric setion. try to get the fleece that is made out of 100% polyester. (because when soaked with polyester resin it will turn to plastic.....)

ok thats all for now im goin to have more...... (my hand's hurt......lololol)


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  97droptopZ said:
You should take some install pics while doing my car to aid this post  :dancingsmilie:

ill take pics, but for only me (my records) and ill post a few...

but no step by step, there is no one way of doing FG.

if a person want to do it he just has to try and try after awhile hell get it.

this and the other post is for tips, not showing someone how to do it...

but whoever trys it good luck


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