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I know what amp this is. IF you guys don't know i'll let you know later but i have NEVER seen an amp look so .... well confusingly different.

I dont know if i should be scared, shocked, surprised or disappointed.


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I said i know what the amp is, that has nothing to do with this thread.

I'm trying to find out if the internals of this amp, or the build in general is good quality because i have seen nothing else like it.

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take it easy buddy i was just pointing out the obvious. as in there should be no one who can not tell what it is.

although there is alot of controversy over those amps. it is pretty much hands down an excellent burp amp.

but there has been alot of folk say they are not worth it for daily use. and a few of those that have said this speak from personal experience.

i personally have never owned one so i don't know.

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Yea, they def look like burp amps, but i've been under the impression that people may have used these for daily.

It looks like a bunch of caps and multi runs of wire, lol.

When i first seen this pic, the First thing that came to mind was, Where is the Drag Queen at? Stetsom following in HL's footsteps, hehe

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ray runs 2 of those amps, i know he does burps with them... but i know ray somtimes runs his comp amps in his daily drivers aswell......

but he does love his sundown.. so maybe he stick with that in his daily. maybe he will chime in.

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wtf is a burp amp??

sounds like when the MT 1st came out people wold say don't use for daily, but now it seems to work just fine?


gtfoh burp amp

heres wat the public had to say...

So, I confirmed what I and others think about the 2K6/7KD, it's a great burp amp, but it's not suited for daily use, even at the rated 2 ohms. What I found interesting is that the current draw on the single 2K6 was higher than the Sundowns strapped, although it's fused at 200 amps, and the manual said 240 amp max draw. We measured higher than that on the burp tests. Oh, and don't try to put another brand of fuse in the Stetsom, put a 200 amp Stinger fuse in it, and it'll pop it.
hmm.... never had no problems with mine daily,but they are some current hogs,no doubt
hats weird my 2k6 never had an y problems for daily use....

i don't know about the amp draw except that wired to 1 ohm on my 2k6 I was getting in the area of 300 amp draw.

and there are better things to do to the amp then just replace the fuse with another fuse....

*edit* ^ to get more power.

gotta love amps built to cheat..
Judging by the internals not just the output Fet's, I dont see that amp lasting long at all on a daily setup period. If you decrease the number of output fet's you will not see the output on stock rail voltage.

In order to get close to what they rate that amp at, you will need to up the rail voltage. Escentually overdriveing the output Fet's... Just like a CPU on a computer you are OVERCLOCKING it to run faster... Heat builds due to the fets over working.. You add that into play with the fact that the heatsink is really small , your stability goes to crap, and just over driving the rail will cause premature FAILURE...

Thats is simple as i can put it so everyone can understand... Yea they get away with it on BURPS and like a few have already stated in a daily setup there is NO way your going to see rated and think the amps going to last, Its just not going to happen. Then you factor in what happens to it when you run it at .35 and .75 like they proclaim to get more power and you add that stress to a already overdrivin output stage ummm its kinda scary IMO...

So with that said, Burping and competition ehhh yea go ahead... But daily for that kinda money heeelllllll NO... What a market.. You build a stripped down amplifier to capture the market on getting power out of something that small and shoot the price up making people think because Alan did it you can too... So you go and drop the chunk of money on this lil amplifier that will supposedly put out XXXX amount of power @ .XXX ohms DAILY and more for burps, Install it beat it to hell for a month and it craps on you...

But hey like i said, they got it in the bag...

They overdrive the rail Voltage to "force" the already low number of output stages "FET" 's so that it will put out what they are looking to sell...

They save butt loads of money doing this, which means the profit margin increases substantially.

They hit the market by offering something with a really small footprint to power ratio etc.. A amp that can put out Rated power with vary little current draw or at least decreased current draw... Its a WIN WIN for everybody right??? WRONG....

id take the sundowns over the stetsoms

more here


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it's probably a "burp" amp because of the fusing. 200 amps won't last long for an amp rated for, what, 7kw? I mean think about it. you'd have to pull abou 700 amps to get 7000 watts. If you are pounding that much wattage through a 200 amp fuse, it will pop in a few seconds. but if all you need is a few seconds to burp, it will work. I assume this is for those comps that break you into classes based on fuse size.

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Something about those models that just give me that put together by hand in a sloppy way. Not sure why, just does.

And yes, I know that had no helpful content, just stating something.

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To me it looks like two class D in one case. It all comes down to heat dissipation, but factors affect that like efficiency and what the fets are rated for. You can look up the fets and see. What are people saying then, it will not handle 200A draw for a long period of time? Do they blow up then or overheat? I'm not into the huge amps but I always figure if you could run it below rated load then it was a good amp and you were cheating....don't bag on an amp when you are already cheating....but I know you guys are looking for much as you can find. It is hard to tell by looks, better to see how they work in action if you are trying to rate an amp. Talk to people and search forums for results because opinion means little. I mean look at a linear power amp, hardly anything in there and all by hand...yet they work great 20+ years later so looks only tell you so much. Just my .01.

Edited by sqguyib

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Something about those models that just give me that put together by hand in a sloppy way.

Aaron's ragging on my point-to-point wiring skills again...:(:D

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So basiclly u need to have a good electric system to handle this amp....

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So basiclly u need to have a good electric system to handle this amp....

well......you need a good electrical system to handle any big amp.

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hmmm, not all lol

my friend had an ford excape stock alt and hc2400 and ran a DD z1 with no problems, lol

in my old car i could barely run my jbl 1200.1 off the stock

not all amps r made the same

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power draw is power draw.

Nothing is 100% efficient so the only thing i can tell ya is-

stock alt and hc2400 with a Z1, a 5,000w amplifier.

You must have had a high impedance curve in your setup for it not to draw a lot of power.

You are looking at pulling about 200-250A on average for music so that battery could have only given about 30 min max before total discharge, i'd say about 10 min before voltage started to gradually drop.

So, if you played it longer than that, then you had a high impedance curve, that's easy to see, or you didn't have it wired at 1ohm.

Luckily, since you didn't have a humongous power draw, the alt still functions properly.

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The "16v mod" always makes me laugh :lol:

Simple amps. You guys should look at the banda's. Between Zenon, Banda and Stetstom I'd probably pick Banda, Zenon and then Stetstom.

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hmmm, not all lol

my friend had an ford excape stock alt and hc2400 and ran a DD z1 with no problems, lol

in my old car i could barely run my jbl 1200.1 off the stock

not all amps r made the same

Then he wasn't getting full power out of his amplifier. larger amps pull more power, period. efficiency won't be a huge difference in those amps.

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well if u go back and look at meades thread u dont need 30 batteries to run this amp, a good alt yes,

I'm not saying stock anything, the z1 was an example of a stock system that i had seen in person..not my own...

I dont remember all the hoopla about the RF amp nor do i care to go back and reread threads..I know what it is :404:

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So, you think because RF uses this technology that DD does too?

Because it is patented, could you please show proof that RF has licensed the technology to DD?

"Hybrid Technology utilizes multiple power sources to achieve current averaging, extreme dynamic power and unparalleled sound quality."

The way the RF amp works is a joke really.

IT utilizes multiple power sources... Have you ever seen the inside of that amp? IT's just like a bed of caps. What it's doing is pulling power all the time from anywhere, alt and batt. When it doesnt output large amounts of power, it's still pulling large amounts of current just like a cap to build up it's power.

"extreme dynamic power" - We don't view power specs by dynamic power because that's peak power, rarely ever see that.

This amp does not run like a normal amp. That's why it doesnt "require" an ungodly bank of batts and alts, but IF you have a large ass battery bank, it could get itself charged up to output some devastating power a lot faster than just a stock electrical. Remember, this is a 15KW amp trying to build up it's power off of a stock electrical system, to achieve that power, it would take a while if you're looking for at least 10kw continuous metered.

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wait what was the point of comparing rf and dd again? I think i missed that :unsure:

the point im trying to make is that....

people are saying that the stetsom is a burp amp because it pulls alot of current or whatever, im pointing out that u just need a good electrical to keep it happy, as people say they run it daily with no problems..

Just at when the MT's 1st came out people always said u couldn't run them daily because of cooling and alot of other random myths that forums put onto companies..

The RF and DD topic was in response to u and stovebolts comments, which are way way way off topic, from the original post i made.


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Ah, you were the one who posted all those comments about Stetsom. Thanks for all those.

Now, onto the "burp amp"

When i first read it, as i stated in the first page, burp amp is just like that Drag Queen which was banned from competition for obvious reasons. Although the Stetsom can't generate tone(s) on it's own nor has a cap or small batt bank like HL's Drag Queen, if it doesnt have the sufficient cooling or durability to be ran for daily, then i can clearly see how a 200A fuse is recommended for a 7kw amp.

I would never trust that amp for daily... it just.. no way.

After KU40 posted about larger amps pull more power...

The next post was a completely turn around of facts when the RF link was posted... implying that larger amps can use this technology... that wasnt a fair comparison.

I noticed u mentioned something about a Z1 on stock electrical. That amp is a 5kw amp, there's no way it can hang with a stock electrical if it's pullin 200A minimum. If it's not, then something in the install, whether it be the box, the load on the amp, or electrical wiring, something isn't right to hang with stock electrical for long term use.

That comment about the Z1 running off of stock electrical and then... that was pretty much the end of that statement is what threw me off. I know u said not stock anything but seriously, what stock system are we talkin about?

Most good stock electricals that we associate with as good are alts ranging between 100-150A and batts.. i dont know how powerful, lets say a D3100 capable.

Even that setup wouldnt be strong enough if the Z1 was doin what it is capable of doing.

I guess we had 2 different directions we were goin and then.... we got to the intersection and haven't moved since

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