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subsonic filter question

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hi, i have 2 sundown sd1 v1 12" and i am thinking about using them until i can get enough money to buy to system i really want so if i can limit how much i spend the better. anyway i already have a sundown sax100.2 that i was going to use to power them but the problem being that it does not have a subsonic filter on it. and i was wondering if i could get away with using my alpine 9887 crossovers and my sax100.2 crossovers and bandpass it, if that would ok an ok alternative.

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Ok, I'm confused, you asked if a bandpass enclosure would work... then say you want to use a ported enclosure?

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ok, i mean by bandpass like set the highpass for around the tuning frequency of the port and set the lowpass around 80ish or what ever when i tune it.

Edited by SouthPole1989

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I understand what he saying.

He wants to band pass the playable range of these speakers since he says there is no subsonic filter on the amp.

Yes you can do that.

The only thing is, i do not know the roll off value of the HPF. I'm sure it's as strong as sundown's subsonic filters assuming.

The thing is though, i thought you could only band pass speakers using LPF with a subsonic filter.. if all done via the amp.

IF your head unit will let you LPF those subs then definitely High Pass them off the amp right around your tuning frequency or maybe even higher.

The best way to do it would probably be to set the HPF way higher than necessary and start playing a note way below tuning like 20hz. Then start decreasing the HPF on the amp until you think the movement of the sub shouldnt move anymore. Any note higher than 20hz will receive more power but should also be within it's mechanical limits as well.

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