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Spare Tire Well

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I sm trying to get my trunk ready for everything but before I start deadening I need to decide what to do with my spare tire well. I know I cant leave everything in there cuz it will vibrate like a mother. But if I take everything out there is just a big hole so what can I do to cover this that won't cause any noise?

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What's in there? I usually just take everything out, deaden the well. Throw the tire back in, and then put ensolite or some kind of foam between each piece or wrap each tool or what ever individually before you put them back in. Get rid of the metal to metal or plastic to metal physical contact. :)

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Well it won't matter if the tire is in there or not really because the box is gonna be over it and impossible to get out. Also the cover for the tire well is a big sheet of plastic pretty much. Will the weight of the box be enough to hold it down so that it won't vibrate it?

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Well it won't matter if the tire is in there or not really because the box is gonna be over it and impossible to get out. Also the cover for the tire well is a big sheet of plastic pretty much. Will the weight of the box be enough to hold it down so that it won't vibrate it?

I would put something in between the floor of the trunk and the spare tire cover. Foam rubber, towels , weather stripping or something. That way you know for sure it's not going to rattle. :)

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Also one othe thing real quick, whats a good way to keep the box secure without putting any bolts through my car or anything. If it's the only way I guess I can but I would rather not.

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