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Melting glue

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When I took out my subs I found a brownish materials on the sub terminals. Upon inspecting, I suspect the glue from the cone to the surround is melting. Is there any reason to it?

Also would any glue which is strong enough would fix this. I plan to use the 10 minuted epoxy as its avaiable in anywhere in my please compared to the CA glue or the original glue that was used. Would the epoxy do its job without affecting any performance?


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There is no 'brownish' glue that melts....your not going to melt the glue out of the surround to the basket.

Your getting the terminals too hot (clipping?) and starting to break the solder down. We use a rosin core solder, it could be the wax that the leads themselves have on them as well, odds are that's what you are seeing...

Your either getting some DC voltage out of your amp, or you've got the coils wired down really low and your getting alot of current to cause the heat build up causing the rosin from the solder to wick out...

Definitely need to check your settings on your amp and see whats going on. I've seen terminals come back black. Few weeks ago we had a coil that turned white and all of the glue around the coil had melted out of it...melted the solder out of the tinsel leads/terminal blocks...it was worth hanging on the wall.

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sub are d2 so its wired to 1 ohm to the sundown 1500d. The sub do get hot while playing music. My guess is the charging system. I had stock alternator (45 amps) and 1 battery to power 2 amps ( 1 mono and 1 4 channel). Since then I had upgraded to 120 amps and couple of batteries. The weather here does not help as well. It average around 35 deg Celsius on a normal day and 38 deg on a sunny day. We had this all year round.

May check on the amp setting but terminals reads fine, 1.8 - 2 ohm per coil.

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Scott told me there is wax in the lead wire that is melting. . .


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