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BIG delimma and need HELP!

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FiQ 18 + AQ2200 at 2 ohm


AQ hdc3 18 + AQ2200 at 1 ohm

really confused and dont know with sub to get because I originally wanted the FiQ for its SQ but for $60 cheaper I can get something LOUDER...but how is the hdc3 18 when it comes to SQ

Help would be appreciated

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  GrandCherokee said:
FiQ 18 + AQ2200 at 2 ohm


AQ hdc3 18 + AQ2200 at 1 ohm

really confused and dont know with sub to get because I originally wanted the FiQ for its SQ but for $60 cheaper I can get something LOUDER...but how is the hdc3 18 when it comes to SQ

Help would be appreciated

Well LOUD isn't SQ. I'm pretty sure the Q will outperform in SQ

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You're prolly gonna get a biased opinion in these parts. Not that they're wrong or anything,.....I love mine

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I purchased the bl18 over the hdc18 and dont regret it.

Edited by Bobaflob

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