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NDMstang65, Fi car audio, shawn fleming......

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Ok I've been trying to get my subs reconed for about three weeks now, I already know that they wont be covered under warranty because I overpowered them, but i have the money to get them fixed so if someone that works for fi could send me some info to get me on the right track, i would greatly appreciate it. Subs are:( 2) FI Q 15's D1 w/ BP power. THanks

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Chill out man, I don't sit around a computer 10 hours a day I will get to you. I'm building a couple demo vehicles and had a doctor's appt and paint supply store and everything else. We need to figure out why the subs did that, odds are it is a setting or a box issue or you just blatantly beat the heck out of them with a ton of power. We need to figure out what you need to do to prevent you from doing it again. What's your amp settings, volume settings, preout voltage, subsonic filter, gain setting, what's the box tuned to, and what kind of music have you been playing?

Fi Car Audio - Recones

RMA - 7182008

5480 Cameron St #107

Las Vegas NV 89118

In the box please include your Name, Address, Email address, and Phone number on a piece of paper with each box.



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