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I am looking into buying two 15" subs, a nice decent headunit, an amp to power the subs, a set of components for the front and an amp to power the components. What would you guys recommend for all of that. I have no more than $1500 to work with and I would like to stay under that price.

I want the equipment to be nice high quality equipment, but still staying under that price.

Thanks, Kyle

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Focal Polyglass 6.5" Components- $250


15" SoundSplinter RL-P's- $459

Pioneer DEH-P8600MP- $335


my Planet Audio TT2250D- $250

Orion 3002- $150


That leaves $56 for a box and wiring

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I'm don't really want to buy used. I was looking at getting the Pioneer Premier 860 and a set of 15" Resonant Engineering SE subwoofers. What amp would you guys use to power them? I don't want some cheapo amp, so keep that in mind.

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the 15" rl-p's would be an awesome choice..especially at $459 for the pair

mtx thunder1501d to power the subs....$350 shipped..

mtx 4122 to power the componets....$98 shipped

cadence zxn-6k componets....$89 shipped...

pioneer premier deh-p860mp.....$337 shipped.....

figureing in about $65 for shipping on the rl-p's (hopefully that's high), i total $1398....which leaves about $100 for wiring (figure $50 for a good kit), box (about $35 if ya build it urself) and $15 for dash kits and harnessess....

not dogging re, but i'd take the rl-p's anyday and mike has a helluva lot better customer courtesy!! he'll actually answer ur email's in about a day or so...it's been 7-8 months since i emailed re, still no reply.

anyway..there ya have a $1500 system..shipped!

email mike@soundsplinter.com or visit the forum here with any questions about the SS subs..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Would you guys ever buy a Refurb Orion amp? There is one for sale on Ikesound.com and it is for pretty cheap. It's the 1200D amp. I don't really know if I trust Refurbed items thats why I ask.

Also, how do the RE SEs compare to the SoundSplinter subs?

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I don't mind refurb items at all, especially if it's done by the manufacturer.

The premium vs. the SE? I would do the premium any day. larger XMAX, can handle as much power, higher BL, and better sensitivity. When I have my 2 RL-p 15's installed, I'll let you know more details.

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Oh and also, I wanted to stay with the same brand amps for my comps and subs if possible. Will the Refurb item have scratches and dents and all kinds of crap on it? I mean if I am still going to pay 250 dollars for the amp, I could get a brand new of something else for the same price.

If I bought the RE subs and the Pioneer headunit, I would have $740 left to spend on a mono amp for subs, a set of comps, and a 2 channel amp for the comps.

What would you guys recommend me sink my money into. I am looking for good quality stuff so I won't have to upgrade something next year or so. Does that make sense?

Edit: One more thing, I would rather not buy from e-bay. I will be buying everything online, just not e-bay. Thanks, Kyle

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Once you get hooked, this is a never-ending buying hobby :P All the refurbs i've gotten have been very close to new condition, shouldn't have many, if any, scratches.

I would concentrate most of the cash on nice speakers and subs. The amps are secondary since they don't really "make" the sound. Unless it is for show, i wouldn't bother matching amps. I'd rather just get decent quality ones especially if i was on a budget like yours.

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  bigger_george said:

Once you get hooked, this is a never-ending buying hobby :P


I would concentrate most of the cash on nice speakers and subs. The amps are secondary since they don't really "make" the sound. Unless it is for show' date=' i wouldn't bother matching amps. I'd rather just get decent quality ones especially if i was on a budget like yours.


again, very sound advice. i matched amps in my projected system becuz most people do, but it isn't a set in stone rule. or is it absolutely necessary. but do it if that is what will make u happy.

why not ebay? just curious, no big deal......i'll look up some other stuff if u're still undecided tomorrow.

and the soundsplinters are awesome subs...i run a single 12" rl-p in my wife's car, and as most people here will tell u, i can't say enuff good things about them.

one more thing....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I just don't really trust it. I feel more secure buying from an online store or something thats all.

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(1) Set eDi 6500s Components + Nine.2 Amplifier (400x1 @ 4 ohm) PLUS

(2) Two of any Kv.2 driver + Nine.1 Amplifier (1200x1 @ 1ohm), for $870.00 / Regular Cost $1,210.00

w/ (2) 11Kv.2 Dual 2 + NINe.1 -

w/ (2) 13Kv.2 Dual 2 + NINe.1 -

w/ (2) 16Kv.2 Dual 2 + NINe.1 -

if eD wasn't so shady, this would be a helluva deal...

the componets, the subs and the amps for both...$870 shipped...

toss in about $350 for the 860 shipped.....u're at $1220...

maybe call eD and see if the stuff is in stock....this might just be the ticket...

all the combo's can be found here....http://www.edesignaudio.com/combo.htm

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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For one, I am kinda set on getting the RE. They seem to have great customer service, because everytime I have e-mailed them, they have replied right away. And I am pretty well set on the Pioneer headunit as well. So I have $740 left to spend on two amps and a set of comps. What do you guys suggest with that price range?

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  kbkid said:
For one, I am kinda set on getting the RE. They seem to have great customer service, because everytime I have e-mailed them, they have replied right away. And I am pretty well set on the Pioneer headunit as well. So I have $740 left to spend on two amps and a set of comps. What do you guys suggest with that price range?

why not the RE re componets? i dunno how much they are, but since ur set on the re subs..match them with the componets(price willing).

as to the amps.....the two i listed(the mtx) above can be had just about anywhere for close to those prices....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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RE Comps are $165. Is that too much and could I get better for that same price? I went bought those, I would still need to buy a mono amp and a matching 2 channel.

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I got another option for ya if you are set on matching.

- 350 for Pioneer 8600

- 350 for koda components shipped Acoustic Visions or at www.visionaryaudio.com

- 300 for one pair adire tempest shipped

- 170 for one orion audio 600D

- 150 for the previous orion audio 300/2

That's 1320 so:

- 180 left for box and wiring.

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Alright Thanks. I will keep those options in mind. What amp would you use to power two 15" SEs though? I need a 1200 watt amp to go at 1 ohm.

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  kbkid said:
RE Comps are $165. Is that too much and could I get better for that same price? I went bought those, I would still need to buy a mono amp and a matching 2 channel.

i've never heard re comps..so i can't really help. i suggested them because u said u really wanted the re subs. also, u want to match amps, so why not speakers..lol? anyway, i've read that they are indeed a decent set and u should be happy with them. could u do better for the money? well, there is always a better deal around somewhere..but it's what makes u happy that's important.

power acoustik a2400db...$330...same amp steve has pushing his uberwoofer

power acoustic a520-2hp...$80...matching high amp..rated 120wrmsx2@4ohm

subtract ur componets, both amps from the $740 u had left...u now have $165 to spend on box, wiring, dahs kit and harnesses.

this way get's u the subs and h/u u want, a matching pair of amps and even matches ur comps to ur subs.

the power acoustik amps are decent amps as well.....ask steve(ss3079)....

if the above sub amp is too much power..1800wrms@1ohm....this one still matches, is only 1400wrms@1ohm...and is $30 cheaper to help with shipping.

power acoustik a1800db....$300 and it's only 1400wrms@1ohm...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Thats what I was going to ask... If those Power Acoustik's were any good. Would they be better than Orion 1200D or a Directed Audio one? Or even a Hifonics. These all look like budgets amps and thats what I am on, but I want high quality equipment so I will not have to upgrade it next year or whenever. Does that make sense?

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  kbkid said:
Thats what I was going to ask... If those Power Acoustik's were any good. Would they be better than Orion 1200D or a Directed Audio one? Or even a Hifonics. These all look like budgets amps and thats what I am on, but I want high quality equipment so I will not have to upgrade it next year or whenever. Does that make sense?

the power acoustic a2400db is supposed to have the same board as the planetaudio 1200...so yeah they are indeed decent amps.....probably equal to the hifonics. not quite as good as the orion or directed probably, but really close, as the planet audio is considered their equal.

IMO, u wouldn't go wrong buying any of those listed. and due to ur budget and wanting stuff to match, the power acoustik's would be hard to beat, the hifonics coming the closest.

and not wanting to upgrade later makes perfect sense, however, as most here will tell u..ur first system hardly ever lasts as u will always want more... :lol:

but i think u're off to a good start...

now start buying so u can take pics!!! and update!!!! we are an impatient lot!!!! hehehhahhhhahehahehaha :lol:

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Ok let me run my entire system by you guys and you tell me if I can do better in a certain category or not. Remember my entire budget is $1500, that does not include box supplies and wiring.

Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP- $330

(2) 15" Resonant Engineering SE- $430 for two.

Orion 1200D- $355

Orion 4004- $155

CDT "ef" component set- $150

What are a good set of coaxials for me to put in the rear doors of my Explorer?

Thanks for all of your guys' help.


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  kbkid said:
Ok let me run my entire system by you guys and you tell me if I can do better in a certain category or not. Remember my entire budget is $1500, that does not include box supplies and wiring.

Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP- $330

(2) 15" Resonant Engineering SE- $430 for two.

Orion 1200D- $355

Orion 4004- $155

CDT "ef" component set- $150

What are a good set of coaxials for me to put in the rear doors of my Explorer?

Thanks for all of your guys' help.


does cdt make coaxils? if so, i'd match the comps and get a pair of ef coaxes...

sounds like a killer first system so far!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Where would be the cheapest place to get Arc Audio amps or a US Amp? I am just curious because I have heard tons of good things about those companies.

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Arc Audio and USAmps are not budget amps, they are pretty expensive, not sure if they would fit in your budget.

I don't see many if any online places that sell USAmps other than Ebay.

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