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Mark LaFountain

SSA is proud to Announce a new Portal for the SSA site

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After about a week or so of heavy development of this new portal page, we feel it's time to go live with it. This is a very exciting change for SSA, the new portal will incorporate the store, forum, chat, gear graphix, box tools, and more and more content. The nice thing about this new software is we can have a team of publishers set up to uplaod tons and tons of content. What we would like is

Gear Graphix

---Section with over 250 brand names loaded where you can uplaod anything related to those brands, also add metatag data to the article for search engines to find. Amps, subs, eq's, decks, anything goes. If you don't see the brand there, ask your publisher to put in "other" section and i'll create this section.

Technical info

---section for tons of technical info! This is a great tool for bringing in tons of trafffic via search engines. And to show off the technical know how of our members.


---another great section for SSA members to show off their stuff. Got a tutorial to add? Let us know, we'll post it up under your username.

Our end goal here is to have the best one stop site audio wise. We don't want users to have a need to go to any other site. This being said, there will be a need for a Publisher Team set up here. All current mods will be given the ability to publish in any section they feel fit.

Ok questions? fire away.



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