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Hixm vs standard BTL coil

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Just wondering...

Does the Hixm coil has better efficiency in comparison with the standard BTL coil?What are the pros and cons when using the first in SPL /power handling/output?

Is there any signifficant difference in the subs sensitivity?

A few days i have watched some tests on some new quad stacked motor subs and i wondered if it would make any difference if the coils were put a little higher than they originaly ought to be put (like 4-5 windings were out of the motor top instead of putting all the coil in the magnet gap)

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Efficiency is pretty much a nill..not going to be a great difference between the two, the hixmax coil will have more wire in the gap though. Generally speaking the flatwound coil is generally louder in a fart/burp scenario.

Coils are placed where they are for a reason, if you take more wire out of the gap it's going to do nothing but hurt performance...

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Hmmm...So here is what i witnessed...One 12" sub triple stacked motor 0,7 ohm/VC coils connected in paralell configuration score 15_.4 db

Second test one 12" sub quadral stacked motor same nominal impedance same configuration score 8 db lower.The only difference was the position of the coil.In the first case all the windings except the top five were into the magnet gap but in the second case all the windings were in the magnet gap.

There was no difference in the length of the coil in both cases.So my thought was that it must have a sensitivity issue that caused such a huge difference.To be honest i expected the heavy loade motor to be louder...

By the way, i recently (2,5 weeks ago) ordered 2 BTL recones for my 18" RE audio MTsDid you receive my order and payment via paypal?

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No clue, BTL recones will not work in MT's, if you ordered BTL recones your in for a suprise if they've shipped already. Email me your name and information regarding what email address you paypal'd from and ill try to get you a status update on Monday.

We're not going to set the coils up any different then what we already do with our subs, they are set where they are for a reason, by sitting the coils forward on those other motors you were simply getting a higher number of windings in the flux field concentration...

Many many many manufacturers or "manufacturers" build woofers and really don't have a clue how crucial setting the coil in the gap properly is for optimal performance.

A quad stack of magnets is absolutely pointless and a waste of materials, hence why we only use a single slug on our new BTL...there's a lot more to it than just slapping magnets and steel together...sadly a lot of people bite into the 'bigger is better' marketing ploy..99% of the time..it isn't the case.

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That's weird....I have spoken to several people in the web where they put Fi recones into MTs...

Anyway i wil sent you an e-mail.Thanks!!!

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No, not 'Fi' recones, BTL recones won't work in a MT.

MT takes a much smaller coil than the BTL has..the BTL coil will set on the top plate.

We have coils that will work fine, but they aren't the same coils that the BTL uses..

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OK thanks for the clarification....I hope the order is not shipped yet...

If it is not done can you update my order?

Edited by thanosdbfan

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