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For those of you who have the SAE-1000D and running 1ohm or 4ohms

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How do you wire it to the sub?

Like do you have 2 sets of speaker wire entering 1 terminal?

Like this:


This is how I have it wired up right now. The green sections are basically 3 wires twisted together and taped with electrical tape. So my question is how do I eliminate the electrical tape. I don't want to twist them together. Is there something I can buy to do this? Other then those plastic cap things that you twist on?

Edited by sunten1

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Well I hooked up my amp like that just using 1 set of terminals, and the power seemed low, when I connected both it sounded normal.

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Well I hooked up my amp like that just using 1 set of terminals, and the power seemed low, when I connected both it sounded normal.

The terminals are in parallel inside the amp - so there is no difference either way.

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Yep. Do you have the coils in parallel ON the sub ?

Right now I am using a Atlas running at 4ohms. SVC

Tomorrow I should get my FI Q and I will be running it at 1 ohm, and the wiring on the sub will be in parallel.

so you have a single voice coil on your sub??

See above. ^^^

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You can wire the FI Q in parallel on the sub and run one set of wires to the amp - or you can run one set from each coil to each set of terminals and get the same result.

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eek, please don't use electrical tape to splice wires together. If you really want to use both sets of outputs on the mono amp for some reason, run them all the way to the box and just shove both wires into the terminal cup or sub's voice coil terminal.

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Hooked my Q up today. Sounds awesome. Wired it in parallel on the sub.

Is this the right way to hook the amp up


or is it


The first picture is the setup I currently have. Not 100% sure which on is right. But basing off the manual that came with the amp I have a feeling that the second picture is right.

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