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What is everyone's thoughts about the 2011-2013 timeline?

In case you have no idea what i am referring to, please do your own research so you have your own opinion about the year 2012, Dec 21. A good place to start is - http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/1.htm

Not only is there predictions but some actual facts about severe environmental conditions that will change this world forever including us loosing the electromagnetic field that protects us, the sun getting hotter, the Comet Swift-Turtle which has been confirmed by NASA to appear once again in our solar system which is 3x the size of Jupiter which is headed for us in the end of 2012. I don't believe it is predicted to hit us but it's passing can\could cause major damage to earth. The word Annihilation is brought up more than once...

I don't expect it to be the end as neither do a lot of others either. This is suppose to be a change, a Major shift point in our history. The real question is what will happen? We are due for an ice age, the Mayan Calendar ends in that yea, scientists say that we are about to enter the fourth density at the end of that year which in what they say- "Laws of Physics will be transformed forever."

Like many others, the end has been predicted a LOT and of course has never been right but what if a list of things were presented to you that stated that the end is not being predicted here and not by a prophecy but a multitude of things including FACTS from NASA, scientists, nuclear physicist(if you read the entire website above) that many things ALL point to the end of 2012 as something bad or major happening.

They reference the "Second Coming". Christians believe the "Second Coming" is a being returning to Earth when in fact scientists state that different religions will alter what the future has in store for us to come... The "Second Coming" is not to be interpreted as a being returning but as a "State of Being" coming or returning when that time has come. State of being is a shift point on Earth. I can type and type and type about this forever but that website has a LOT of info about it. Don't just stick to one site such as that, keep searching.

Even the Philadelphia Experiment, Montank Project are involved which include references to the "greys", a VERY interesting read and if it's true, it's gonna be a wild world soon.

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my fiance allready wants to move into a cave and stock pyle water and food for this event, lols

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stock piling ammo now as we speak, lol.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Great that people have all that time on their hands to put that all together :D Funny how there's usually a lot of gaping holes...

I don't know enough about Mayan archeology to address those claims, but I did notice that sunspot numbers were mentioned as part of a "Great Cycle" or whatever. That's pretty funny, considering the last cycle (which peaked in 2000-2001) was one of the weakest in recent years, and we haven't gotten back to the kind of numbers seen in the 1950's. And I hardly think a couple hundred years of observations is enough to say conclusively there's any kind of pattern in the data greater than the 11-year period we already observe.

And that comet you mention passed us in the '90s, it won't be back for at least a hundred years (and no comet is the size of Jupiter, Jupiter did get hit by one, remember) :)

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This came from another site-

If one has to pick a year for extinction, the most likely year is 2126. At this time a comet (named the "Swift-Turtle"), which is the same weight (a trillion tons) as the asteroid that caused the mass extinction 65 million years ago, will pass the Earth's orbit at a point at which (if present calculations are right) the earth will be only two weeks distant. If the present calculations are wrong or if causal factors slightly affect the Swift-Turtle, the comet could crash into the earth, causing the 6th mass extinction.

So, apparently, i have gotten that comet mixed up with something else that is 3x larger than jupiter. I cant remember and dont feel like readin all that info again, hehe, but somewhere in that site someone predicted something coming at us but not hitting us as to speak. I cant even remember when the prediction was made.

It's been several yrs ago since i got really involved with that site then someone i know brought it up recently and i dug it up and it is somewhat refreshing my memory.

Something interesting that sparks my interest that i tell people is all of this stuff happens weather-wise or space-wise but... what happens here on earth when all this is about to take place?

Again, if all is true, it's quite interesting that the end of the 1st presidential term is right in that timeframe (dec 21 2012). Is the next president elected to blame for somethings that may be catastrophic that is going to happen on this planet that may not be mentioned in doing research? Can things be slowed down but rather dismissed?

Quite interesting.

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gobbly-gook. It will come and go just like January 1st, 2000. I knew nothing would happen then, and I know nothing will happen in 2012. or 2126.

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I've heard about this before. The Mayan calendar doesn't actually end on 12/21/12, it is the end of the 12th baktun and then the 13th will begin.

I've heard this date is suppose to be some sort of "spiritual awakening".

For such a catostrophic event, it wasn't mentioned much in any Mayan writings.

I found the Zeitgeist movie to be much more of a mind fudge. I'd suggest checking that out. Whether you believe it or not, it is still entertaining to watch.

Edited by todd.brust

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gobbly-gook. It will come and go just like January 1st, 2000. I knew nothing would happen then, and I know nothing will happen in 2012. or 2126.

Quoted for Truth.

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2012 is when I'll f8uick you all int hass, take that, bitches :P

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Not enough heroin in the world to make me believe that.

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Does this catastrophy mean I will be able to drive in the sand without going to the desert ? :woot:

To answer your question : I'm ready beyotch. Bring it aaaaawwwwwwn !

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As for what i believe, i don't think the end is that soon at all. What i do believe if any according to predictions and some factual evidence from researchers rather than prophecies is that something is gonna happen in between 2011-2013. Something different that doesn't happen normally. It could be anything really, it could be a natural disaster, nothing that would kill us all but somethin along those lines or just something that doesnt effect us at all might happen.

IT's just interesting that this timeline has more things happening from all different points of view than just some predictions.

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Nostradamus predicted the world will end 2011, maybe it will maybe it won't who cares we all have to die sometime.

Edited by dustin

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lol if the world ends it will be us (humans) that ends it with all the conflicts we have today and all the new countrys getting nuclear capibilitys these days. thats about the only way i see it ending not from some power beond us or other crazy

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Nostradamus predicted the world will end 2011, maybe it will maybe it won't who cares we all have to die sometime.

Nostradamus couldn't even predict his own bowel movements.......

Every civilization has had "end of days" predictions, and every civilization expected it to be within their lifetime. I however do hope something dramatic or catastropic happens in 2012.....I could use the change of pace.

I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Mom please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away.

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humans are the best adaptive organism in the world, besides maybe bacteria. We can live in any climate and are smart enough to find or make life's basic essentials pretty much anywhere.

Almost everything that can happen to earth has already been done, and some kind of animal survived. I'm not too worried about the continuance of the human species. Probably the only things that could do us in is an asteroid that completely demolishes the earth or the sun engulfs us. Somebody would survive a nuclear winter.

Edited by KU40

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Nostradamus predicted the world will end 2011, maybe it will maybe it won't who cares we all have to die sometime.

Nostradamus couldn't even predict his own bowel movements.......

Every civilization has had "end of days" predictions, and every civilization expected it to be within their lifetime. I however do hope something dramatic or catastropic happens in 2012.....I could use the change of pace.

I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Mom please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away.

i never said he ws right. although if we wanna get technicall the world will die in about 1-2 billion years when the sun explodes well acutally the earth would end a couple million before that when the sun becomes a super giant and the earth literally gets too hot and we incerate.

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All, I know for sure is I want to try and be alive when the end of the world comes.

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All, I know for sure is I want to try and be alive when the end of the world comes.

Haha, that would be sweet. But hopefully when I'm around 80. Now would be way too inconvenient.

Edited by chad

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I wonder what an asteroid hitting the earth would meter on the TL...

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Nostradamus predicted the world will end 2011, maybe it will maybe it won't who cares we all have to die sometime.

Nostradamus couldn't even predict his own bowel movements.......

Every civilization has had "end of days" predictions, and every civilization expected it to be within their lifetime. I however do hope something dramatic or catastropic happens in 2012.....I could use the change of pace.

I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Mom please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away.

i never said he ws right. although if we wanna get technicall the world will die in about 1-2 billion years when the sun explodes well acutally the earth would end a couple million before that when the sun becomes a super giant and the earth literally gets too hot and we incerate.

Our lovely sun isn't even big enough to supernova :( It wouldn't be nearly as dramatic, meaning it will engulf the inner planets ie: Mercury, Venus, and Earth, and then it would merely implode and become a white dwarf, and then, when it finally cools down, a black dwarf ;)

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