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hp pavillion 7850

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okay so im trying to find out what wattage this computer takes. my power supply went out in one of my computers and ive found power supplies but all have different wattages. can someone help me out.

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you dont need to know really.

Go to Newegg, you can find some decent brands rated in the 300-400w range that should definitely be enough to get that thing goin. They only range in the $40 range for aftermarket PSUs.

The original PSU is 180w by the way.

I'd personally get a larger output one since it will put less stress on the PSU itself AND give you the option to upgrade in the future. If you tried installing extra things in there, that's one way to kill the PSU months down the road.

The OEM replacement is $35 + shipping so gettin one twice the rating for bout the exact same price is definitely worth it.

Your required PSU needs to be Micro-ATX and MAKE SURE that the new PSU you plan on buying looks identical in shape and form as the damaged one does on the back(part you plug the power cord in at.)

Pretty much, as long as it's Micro-ATX and the power cord is on same side as the old one, it will fit perfectly.

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Unfortunately, because HP decided to try to cram everything in there with no regard for free space, you're a little bit limited in terms of power supply choice.

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