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I have an upgraded alt. to 180A (i know not much, but all I could get with my car) BIG 3 are done... 2 extra batts. in the trunk....

I wake up yesterday, and for the first time ever my battery light AND brake light are on, so I'm like wtf.... to coincidental, must be something stupid that needs to be re-set...

I just went out there and tested my battery.. With car ON, it reads 12.35, car OFF 12.45....... I reved the engine with the car on and it went up like .2-.3

ANybody know what this indicates...whether it means bad battery, or bad Alt.....???? Battery is only 2 months old

PLEASE HELP! Just spent like 600 on electrical upgrades not to long ago

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sounds like something is wrong with your alt. got warranty? have them check it out.

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Not only does it sound like the Alt, but an alt just don't die because it wants to, find out why it died!

Was it trying to charge dead or near dead batts previously?

Did you give someone a jump the other day with your vehicle on?!?!?!

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i would say check ur connections if it went up some..

take your connector to ur alt off and spray some electric connector spray on there and other places that have a connection

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^^take it lol

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it is a alt problem i would bet on that... take it off... and take it to an auto zone.. thay have a full test.

lamp/ diode



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mannnnnnnnn... i've had a feeling it was this focking alt. since I got it installed.. already spent like 100 bucks getting it tested and what not... The a-hole who re-built it for me said he wouldnt even pay for me to get it un-installed JUST TO CHECK if its bad....

I think im gonna just bring it to one of those 200,000mile shops.. AKA Merlin... pretty sure they do free tests... as far as taking it out of the car.... ehhhh we'll see what happens with the first test...first.

IF......its the ALT... will it progressively get worse??


Edited by snb778

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mannnnnnnnn... i've had a feeling it was this focking alt. since I got it installed.. already spent like 100 bucks getting it tested and what not... The a-hole who re-built it for me said he wouldnt even pay for me to get it un-installed JUST TO CHECK if its bad....

I think im gonna just bring it to one of those 200,000mile shops.. AKA Merlin... pretty sure they do free tests... as far as taking it out of the car.... ehhhh we'll see what happens with the first test...first.

IF......its the ALT... will it progressively get worse??


ya if the alt is dead you will be running off of battery power and when its dead the car wont run

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mannnnnnnnn... i've had a feeling it was this focking alt. since I got it installed.. already spent like 100 bucks getting it tested and what not... The a-hole who re-built it for me said he wouldnt even pay for me to get it un-installed JUST TO CHECK if its bad....

I think im gonna just bring it to one of those 200,000mile shops.. AKA Merlin... pretty sure they do free tests... as far as taking it out of the car.... ehhhh we'll see what happens with the first test...first.

IF......its the ALT... will it progressively get worse??


ya if the alt is dead you will be running off of battery power and when its dead the car wont run

worse???? its over... its not putting out anything,..... yout sitting at 12 volts with the car on or off... YOU SAID THAT YOUR SELF>

i dare you to put your a/c and headlights on and drive somewhere.

no dont do that... you wont make it... call a wrecker

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You can still take it to autozone with it in the car and they can do an alt test this way

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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