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it wont wang!!!

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ok guys heres my prob.1st i have 2 saz3ks on 16v wired 2 half ohm on 4 15.2 NS. gains are about 1/2 or so. my prob is when i start 2 turn up the volume on the HU the subs start 2 pop and go crazy!!!! wha could my prob be? i kno it has more in it but i cant get the volume out of it and i wanna wang it at the dub show comin up 2morrow, so i need 2 fix this prob asap. any hellp ould be greatly appreciated. it start 2 pop at about 35/50 volume on the hu sub level on hu is around -3. around 38 is where i usually stop. never had this prob out of the saz1500s i had. wha could be my issue wit this setup.

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Check your grounds and speaker wiring.

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nightshad=NS lol im in the burbs of chi. i checked the grounds. fixed that prob. spkr wire wha things to look for. i took 2 pf the subs out and check the wiring. everything seems coo. i may have missed sumthin. wha should i look for? my gnd is comin str8 off my 16v batts. only 1 of the amps cuts off/goes into protect. sometimes dependin on if its a fast baseline bothin will go into proect after the subs start poppin/jumpin

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oh lol thought NS was a typo like the "took 2 pf the subs out" pf = of...

the final load of the speaker wiring was checked with a DMM to read 1/2 ohm ??

Protect when bass hits... Do you have a clamp ?

What is your electrical like (obviously you have a 16 v batt but how many, HO alternators etc etc) ??

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You strapped the amps at half an ohm? Meaning they're seeing .25ohms each? That's a no no.

You'd better wire those subs to 2 ohms before you toast the amp for good.

wait, they're at 1 ohm aren't they? .5 an amp?

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they are not strapped. they are at .5ohm each. actally each amp is at .7 each checked wit dmm. im like stuck 2 see why the subs are poppin when i up the volume. and the amps go into protect. like when a low note or lot of fast notes or hard notes come in, the subs pop and that 1 amp goes into protect or both will. i have the subs wired + to + and - to- on each sub and then + to + linkin the pair together. the sub has a + and - on each side. should i link the + on 1 side to the other subs and then go on the other set of +/- and link the -'s together? i just cant understand why its doin this lol

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what you got for electrical slbazer ??

You have it wired right if i read your post right..

sub A1 + to sub A2 + to sub B1 + to sub B2 + to amps +

sub A1 - to sub A2 - to sub B1 - to sub B2 - to amps -

or do you have one sub per speaker terminal on the amp

have you DMM the 12V power wire at the amp when playing the song to see if there is a severe voltage drop ??

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The impedance rise of your setup may not be high enough for 1/2 ohm nominal. What is the tuning frequency ?

Also, try a different RCA cable and try it without the remote hooked up - you said the remote knob was causing the popping yesterday, correct ?

Hate to bring this up... but the previous gain setting of wide open on 16v + 1/2 ohm may have hurt your amps.

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hey 16v and starting at gain half jiiiike that cant be good mabye should take of one lid of an amp and se if it looks like an war zone inside

have you checked the ohms on each pair with an dmm to to se so it isnt some thing wrong there?

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my buddy's setup does that when he tries to burp it or play music really loud...it almost sounds like a cd is skipping or something....and i think we have come to the conclusion (after tryin a few things) that he pre-outs on his headunit are shot, i believe its a kenwood headunit...so that could be your problem...

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when i had the gains at full, never really got a chance to even get volume of of it, becuz of the gnd prob, but i fixed that issue. I AM A play around wit the rcas today and see wha i can do. i have the rcas from hu goin to the epicenter and then from the epicenter to the amps. im gonna try to bypass the epic and just run them str8 to the amps. i dont think i hurt the amps i hope not. I AM A gonna play around wit it some more and see wha i can do. im sure j you'll be hearin from me today lmao

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Those Epicenters can cause issues - take that out of the loop for sure for testing.

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they are not strapped. they are at .5ohm each. actally each amp is at .7 each checked wit dmm. im like stuck 2 see why the subs are poppin when i up the volume. and the amps go into protect. like when a low note or lot of fast notes or hard notes come in, the subs pop and that 1 amp goes into protect or both will. i have the subs wired + to + and - to- on each sub and then + to + linkin the pair together. the sub has a + and - on each side. should i link the + on 1 side to the other subs and then go on the other set of +/- and link the -'s together? i just cant understand why its doin this lol

ok maybe I am just reading this wrong and if so feel free to ignore me......lol

you state that the amps are not strapped. The way I am reading your wiring you are running the subs voice coils in parallel and then paralleing them together? is this correct? if so then you are running to both amps? I would not link each sub together and just run each sub in parallel to 1 amp. or if you do run the subs together I would strap the amps at a higher ohm load.

I may have misread this and if so I am sorry .......just trying to help

sorry I just reread your first post I missed the part where you had 4 subs. I was thinking you had 2


Edited by chad y

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what suburb do you live in? i'm in homewood (if you know where that is) and would love to hear some nightshades sometime. goodluck with the problem though.

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no prob chad, ya insight is appreciated. yea i have 4 subs 2 subs on each amp. i may have solved the prob. i played wit the gains a bit and its not cuttin of like it was b4. it still does it on some songs but im gonna keep messin wit the gains. its got so much more in it, i just wanna unleash it.

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what suburb do you live in? i'm in homewood (if you know where that is) and would love to hear some nightshades sometime. goodluck with the problem though.

im like 10 mins east of u near crete. would love 2 meet and give ya a demo. shoot me a pm wit ya cell

Edited by sblazer

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I'll go out on a limb and say that using an Epicenter, which is capable of 9.5 volts output, and setting the gain to maximum at first probably damaged the input section of the amp. The "max" setting assumes 0.2 volts of input.

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why are you using an epicenter. is you shiit ported/

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thats good to hear.

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We figured it out - it was the Epicenter.

Imagine that, useless piece of metal.

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