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Ascendat Audio vs JL

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i would say a havoc could get louder.. it depends on what your looking for... if you want SQ go JL if you want LSQ and not break you bank go ascendent.. i mean you could buy 2 15'' havocs for what 1 W7 costs they handle the same power and a W7 is stupid hard to mount... personally id go ascendent over JL having worked for a JL dealer and owned several of their products..

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i would say a havoc could get louder.. it depends on what your looking for... if you want SQ go JL if you want LSQ and not break you bank go ascendent.. i mean you could buy 2 15'' havocs for what 1 W7 costs they handle the same power and a W7 is stupid hard to mount... personally id go ascendent over JL having worked for a JL dealer and owned several of their products..

If I want to use about 2000 watts (Fosgate 20001BD) what sub set up should I go with? I want good SQ but also want it to be Loud

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honestly get a sundown audio nighshade.. it will take that power with ease and be stupid loud.. i have 2 12s in my volvo right now and with my daily aero ports in tuned to about 34hz with no SPL tweaks or tuning at all and doing a 147.6 at 34hz.. so that would be a good option for you

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In the right enclosure and install, the Ascendants will sound just as good and get just as loud as the w7 depending on what size Havoc you are talking. Just to answer your question.

Edited by todd.brust

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honestly get a sundown audio nighshade.. it will take that power with ease and be stupid loud.. i have 2 12s in my volvo right now and with my daily aero ports in tuned to about 34hz with no SPL tweaks or tuning at all and doing a 147.6 at 34hz.. so that would be a good option for you

I agree with the idea of getting a nightshade. I've read nothing but great things about them. I would rule out JL purely because of price and customer service. But either way, Sundown or Ascendant, you are going to get a great sub with unreal customer service.

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I would rule out JL purely because of price and customer service.

I'll agree on price being high, however the customer service at JL is more than exceptional. I had a problem with my XRs that were clearly my fault and my dealer sent the XRs to JL and they were fixed for free.

Everyone else I have known to have had problems with anything JL have had their problems adressed from either their dealer or JL. And they local dealer sells a lot of JL Audio product.

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