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Does it actually work?

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Hey guys you have prob heard of Seafoam. The stuff thats suppose to give u better mpg and clean out ur car etc..Plus it makes really cool smoke effects out of ur exhaust!

I want to know does it actually work and can it harm you engine?? because i just got a new Jeep GC limited and i was wanting to do this to see the cool white thick smoke but i dont want to piss off my engine..i called my local jeep dealership and hey said that most of the sh*t they listed on there web site is a lie and its all marketing! so does it work?

what is your experiences with it?


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i use sea foam in my wreckers... old school guys swear by it... so i use it.. also marvel mystery oil

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It works, but you don't need it for a lonnnnngggg long time.

You need to accumulate carbon build up in the engine. A lot of the time carbon is bad, but on extremely old cars, the carbon actually keeps the engine running (stopping up leaks etc).

I do my vehicles once every 30,000 miles.

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if used in your oil , i thought youre supposed to change it a few hundred miles after.

ive never used it , dont think i will. im scurred my engine will just be one big leak after with 150k+ miles. then to get new seals put in...nah.

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Use the stuff and it works. Did an awesome job on cleaning up the EGR, IAC, and FITV valve on my Accord. Almost one of those unbelievable fix-alls in a can.

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I use it on 2 strokes mostly, it is great for outboard engines. Of course a 2 stroke collects a lot more carbon inside and can eventually screw up the rings, cause hot spots/etc. I can see the difference when I look in the plug hole after using it. But a car, it would need to have many miles or a particular carbon issue to benefit, I would think, much like other additives. I only had one car that needed injector cleaner every 10K or so, it would run rough. Every other car it made no difference so I don't bother. I don't use that solvent type stuff in oil...only have used slick 50 and stp, and they worked for what I needed them to do. I try to run synthetic oil and never add anything until 100K+ or better. But gas, it could help a car with some miles, or one that has weak valve guides/etc...I have seen oil goo and carbon stuck to the back of intake valves, that could impede air flow, and seafoam ought to help remove it.

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if used in your oil , i thought youre supposed to change it a few hundred miles after.

ive never used it , dont think i will. im scurred my engine will just be one big leak after with 150k+ miles. then to get new seals put in...nah.

I put it in my oil for a few hundred miles then change it....then pour a half can in the brake booster.

Theres so much crap build up in the exploder its crazy how I can hear and feel the difference before and after

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