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Heh, you probably thought I was talking about ports - you narrow minded so and so :P

My amp shipped from SoundDomain in Seattle on October 14th. This was sent via USPS. Naturally, the packages get sent to Vancouver where customs sorts through them, checks for drugs and bombs, determines the appropriate charge (14.5% tax in my case), and then hands them off to Canada Post to go and deliver. 7-14 days is normal for something coming from the US via USPS Air Mail Parcel Post. As of right now, customs has a 150, 000 package backlog, which is absurd, and people have been waiting for up to 5 full weeks for their package. Seattle is only a couple hours from Vancouver. Vancouver is only 8 hours from my home. USPS works on Saturday. The amp shipped on a Thursday. The amp would have been at customs either Friday, or for sure on Saturday. October 29th (Friday) marked the 13th day the amp has been in the mail. Customs should take one or two days with a package. They have been fux0ring around with my package for 11 bloody days now. Let it be known, come Tuesday morning, if my package has not arrived on Monday ... if you work at customs, I suggest NOT answering my phone call.

I'd just like to send out a big F :ninja: CK YOU out to Canada Customs.

- Steve

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steve I am really sorry to hear about that, next time pay me some money and I will drive it up to you

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damn steve..that sucks...

hope ya get it soon!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Got my packages today.

Heh, I really didn't. I just want to practice. And I like hearing that.

- Steve

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Monday ... November 1st ... 2004. 1:30PM.

Amplifier - Day 14

Wire - Day 6

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

- Steve

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That's why I use FedEx. I can go ground to anywhere in Canada in 6 days max. It's cheap too. Don't know if this was an option for you, but you might want to look into it next time.

Or just move here. :D

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Yeah ... it wasn't an option.

3:16PM - nothing here. Just snow ... and lots of it. Anyone want to help me put the plow on the front of the truck?

I'm going to KO the person at customs over the phone.

- Steve

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Yeah ... it wasn't an option.

3:16PM - nothing here.  Just snow ... and lots of it.  Anyone want to help me put the plow on the front of the truck?

I'm going to KO the person at customs over the phone.

- Steve



we want pics!!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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3:16PM - nothing here.  Just snow ... and lots of it.  Anyone want to help me put the plow on the front of the truck?

that sux man, it was 80 here today lol

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Frickin' cold weather ... ah well - at least I can get the ice rink going in the backyard.

6:58PN - No parcels.

Wire HAS to be here tomorrow to meet Canada Posts standards.

Oh and screw that snowplow ... my new one isn't going on with one pair of hands.

- Steve

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Well, today is Tuesday, November 2nd of the year 2004.

No parcels.

I'd like to send a big fudge you out to Canada Post, and the Customs office in Vancouver once again.

Today was the last day for my wire to get here in order to meet Canada Posts standards --- sent Expedited business parcel post ... should have gotten here last week (ontario -->BC) ... I can send a letter via regular mail from BC to Nova Scotia (farther than Ontario) and get it there in 5 days.


- Steve

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weather was nice here today too, but I dont use Fed Ex anymore cause they have screwed me a few too many times

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Wire arrived today - will be running it tonight hopefully.

Day late, but hey, I still got it so I'm not going to complain. The amp on the other hand ............................

- Steve

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That's true.

The KnuKonceptz 1/0 kit I got rocks ... that's one mighty large fuseholder, which I don't know how to work :P

The wire itself is very flexible ... better than the Stinger, Lightning Audio, RF, and welding wire I've used in the past.

- Steve

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I wanted to get the knukonceptz Kompressed Kable. It looked really nice, except the price tag... I opted for the audiopipe 0 gauge kit.

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Yeah the Kompressed stuff isn't cheap at all.

A good selling feature if you really need a large gauge wire packaged in a thin cable. That made no sense, but you get the point.

- Steve

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Guess what came in today ...

Yup ... that's it .....

You guessed right ..........

The mailman came to my door and brought me my brand new and shiny .............

Power Acous ..... er .... no.

Just a heat and electricity bill.

- Steve

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You know what to do now!!! Josh shot down my PR dreams when he mentioned the subtle price of only $250 per PR. No thanks! Let me know ho that sealed enclosure works out. I think Damian is sealing his too?

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I'm loving it right now @ 1.4 cubes sealed. Hopefully I can build another sealed enclosure (larger) and a ported one in January.

The price of the 18" PR's were a lot less than that a while ago IIRC.

- Steve

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