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so what is is tuned to and how much cu ft. per... thanks

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so what is is tuned to and how much cu ft. per... thanks

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heres an update...scottie called me and were going to put the new powermaster 300amp alt in there with a built in regulator (xs volt) so we can adjst it from 14volts to 18.5volts :dancing:

but scottie recommend we set to 14.9 for daily

the box is 12.5 cubes after port and sub displacement tuned to 37hz with 200square inches of port

and yea each amp is not even close to doing rms power


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oh hopefully you guys get the electricals soon, then it will be even more beastly. hopefully you ll be doing closer to rms after that. you shouldnt have too much imp. rise. its tuned to 37.

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