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ok so i finally get my SeXXX in the mail, haha :slayer: so i got me alil box ready so i hook it up, want to hear it better so i take a drive and crank it up a bit, as i'm increasing the power click, it cuts off, so i go check it out and all 3 fuses are blown...so i check my connections it's all good, i go back to my amp open it up, and the piece that holds the fuses in parallel i believe one of the pieces was off so it was all running through one piece instead of being regulated between 2 pieces... I paid 120 bux for the car audio people to fix this and now what it breaks a month later, and i haven'ty even had any subs to play it with for a while anyways...i would go back up there 2ma but its thanksgiving, on fiday i'm going str8 up there though i should have a warranty though, even though ican't find my dam reciept cuz i didn't think i would need it...if that warranty is expspired the shits gonna hit the fan i promise, :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:


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Dave do you think i should do this by myself, all it is is a lil soldering job, then to make sure it dont come off i could put some hot glue down over it.. :blink: what ya think

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Dave do you think i should do this by myself, all it is is a lil soldering job, then to make sure it dont come off i could put some hot glue down over it.. :blink: what ya think

seems like a perfect learning piece---if you know what is wrong---why pay someone else to do it----I say go for it and if you need any help I will be here. :slayer:

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thanks man, well if i still have my warranty i'ma let them bi***es fix it again... if not out then its out wt the solderin gun

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welp looks like i'm stuck fixin it...

took it apart and looked at the board, its kinda brown, where the fuses go, soo i guess, i need to clean that and re-solder it, and then hmm i think thats it :slayer: , i love being an engineer in training...but dave how can i clean that off, ???

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the brown burnt part, that is :slayer:

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liquid rubbing alcohol is what I would use---use with q tips and cotton balls to dry it---do not get the internels too wet---dab and rub littly---should come off pretty easy.

I is just burnt copper(used in lower class D amps)

need anything else---just ask :D

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haha well 4 hours later and i'm done, or has it even been that long :D ...well just got done soldering the dam thing man that is hell doin that when you gott a suckey solderer, but anyway i gotta go hook it up and see if it wrk, i might just wait till 2ma since i'm finda go clubbin yeaeeeyeaeeee :slayer:

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ah, what a hell, so yesterday my friend decides not to go nowhere :( and i hook up my amp and it still does the same shit :( worst thing is i tested it with a continuity tester and some of the things that were working yesterday aren't working today(after i hooked it up again)

Ok so it will power up if it has little voltage applied but if i give it say 12volts str8 off the battery it blows the fuses, but at 6volts it was doing just fine??


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ah, what a hell, so yesterday my friend decides not to go nowhere :( and i hook up my amp and it still does the same chit :( worst thing is i tested it with a continuity tester and some of the things that were working yesterday aren't working today(after i hooked it up again)

Ok so it will power up if it has little voltage applied but if i give it say 12volts str8 off the battery it blows the fuses, but at 6volts it was doing just fine??


are you sure that what you sodered was the right problem?---take your DMM and see if the resistors are still good---should be in the milli ohm to low ohms of resistance.

The power supply is sounding like it is going out to me though---it takes 6volts but not 12volts?That is a problem---is there a reson why you couldn't return it?

check the power suppy with power applied for voltage---should be 12-14.2volts.

I would have to look at it more to REALLY get a hold of the problem---post some pics!

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david at Re hooked me up wt his friend that fixes amps, so i'm gonna ship it to him to get it fixed, but yea i soldered the parts, then when i hooked it back up some of the inductors wrnt working :o , but this guy says he has seen problems like this b4 so he syays he can fix it...

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