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Fi Subwoofer for Home Theatre?

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hey guys im sum what of a A/V junkie and i own a velodyne sub..its the VRP series..and i love the sub but i want something a bit more bassier and a bit bigger...i currently own a 15" fi bl for my car so i know what fi's can do..but how about for home theatres..i knw there subs are made for cars but is it possible for home theatres,,i was thinking a 10 or 12 ssd?


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.i knw there subs are made for cars

Who said that ? What classifies a sub as "made for car" or "made for home" ?

They make dual 2's and lots of plate amps are stable at 4 ohms. No reason why you couldn't put on sub in the house.

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indeed. I have two "car audio" subs in my HT and I don't know how you'd tell the difference.

subs made more for home audio usually have a lower fs I think and are made to fit in larger boxes usually since there is much more room in home than in a car. But given those, you probably couldn't tell the difference between a car sub in it's recommended 1 cube box and a home sub in it's recommended 2 cube box, or whatever.

Edited by KU40

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Fi does have an IB sub I believe, but it isn't on their site.

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Sorry for the nood question, but what does IB stand for? See it used all the time and always get confused.

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Infinite Baffle. The sub is mounted on a baffle and the back wave is completely isolated from the front. Imagine having 2 adiacent rooms, with the sub mounted on the wall between them.

IIRC, the IB sub from FI is a Q with some modifications :shrug:

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