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SSD 12 or 15

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This is the first sub that I'm going to personally set up and I was just wondering what the major differences are between the SSD 12 and SSD 15... So far I've been told, "Oh, well that's up to your preference."

I have no preference yet lol. From what I've seen online, the 15 would be louder and deeper, but would lose some SQ... In FI subs is it that much of a difference?

What do MOST people seem to prefer based on personal experience? I listen to rap mainly, but I switch it up every now and then to R&B, jazz, and maybe a little rock here and there.

Long story short... is it worth the 20 bucks haha

Edited by LWKING

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2 cubes sealed for the 15 is fine in my opinion...



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thanks, edited my first post to see if I'd get better answers haha. But I'll take you word for it. Thanks, 15 it is

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